Sunday, June 9, 2013

Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 15

Holy smokes!  I just realized that I've been on vacation for over two weeks! O.o  And it definitely feels that long too.  It seems I've been in Florida for FOREVER. Ten more days left though... Then off to Colorado!

So today was the day we switched hotels.  We changed from the Marriott Grande Vista hotel to some place whose name begins with an L. *thoughtful look*  But afterwards it was simply chilling in the room (no seriously, the air conditioning was heaven) and then we went to church at the single's ward near 8:00pm.  I felt like we were going to some Lutheran seminar for being THAT late at night. ::)  Oh! And I discovered this guy who sings duets and quartets with himself on Youtube.  He's kind of amazing. XD

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