Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 31

I guess I spoke too soon yesterday about not being sore... I AM DYING RIGHT NOW.  Every single muscle in my body is killing me!  Today after doing the basic classes at the beginning, everyone got to choose between taking MDT (musical dance theater), jazz, or stretching.  And I chose stretching because (compared to the girls there) I'm about as flexible as a brick.  So even though it felt good to stretch at the class, I can barely move a muscle right now. *headdesk*
Onto other topics, this afternoon I moved from Thomas's house to Sister Buck's house (a kind elderly lady that we knew here before moving).  In my sore weakened condition, it was something close to torture hauling all my luggage up the stairs to my bedroom. *exasperated look* Hopefully I'll have adapted a bit tomorrow to the dancing life. ;)

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