Sunday, June 16, 2013

Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 22

Today at church I went to the nicest LDS ward I've ever been to.  See, the thing about Mormons is that we're supposed to be the nice people that stand out from everyone else with our accepting and friendly attitudes.  Unfortunately, that isn't necessarily always true.  Sure the majority of LDS members are pretty awesome people, but in almost all the wards I've been to in Alaska, it's really clicky and unaccepting.  I like to think of myself as an inclusive person; so when I am in a ward that is exclusive, it bugs me.  Well the ward we went to today in Tampa Florida was extremely friendly and open and genuinely happy to see us.  I wish all LDS wards were like that.
Then after a nap and some goodbyes, it was the four hour drive back to Orlando where it really feels nice to lay in a comfy bed instead of taking the floor.  That and some episodes of Psych.  I really do love that show. XD

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