Friday, June 21, 2013

Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 27

You know, in the world of video games, first person shooters were my bane.  Halo, Call of Duty, Team Fortress; all games that I wanted nothing to do with.  I much prefer the RPG role playing games like LOZ and Fire Emblem.  That all changed today.  Today while playing Halo with Cameron and Michael, I discovered that I actually find first person shooters rather fun!  Throughout the day I developed from a pre-noob into a competent player.  Now I can actually make sense of what other guys are ranting about at school. ::)
Unfortunately my tongue isn't much better.  I think this day has been the quietest of my entire life. O.o  And all I've had to ingest are banana smoothies, a popsicle, and water.  I wish my tongue would really hurry up and heal so I can eat properly.  I'm starving! *frustrated look*

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