Thursday, June 27, 2013

Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 33

Today at dance was a pretty average day.  Nothing all that big happened. *shrug*  However, after classes ended I went to the Creamery on Ninth and got the best fries in the world.  I'm serious!  Their fries with their fry sauce must have been made by divine powers because they were heaven to my mouth. Then when I got back home, I met a good friend and used to be neighbor of mine, Tim Buck.  Now here's the thing about Tim and his wife.  They are probably the smartest people I have ever met.  They seriously are knowledgeable about any topic that is brought up!  I had a very good religious discussion with him that now makes me want to check out a few books he was mentioning... I think I've got some more summer plans. :)

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