Saturday, June 15, 2013

Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 21

Beach fun!  Today we went to a legit beach with sand and sea shells and sunshine and super warm ocean water.  Not any of that rocky cloudy 30 degree bleh beaches that Alaska has.  As much as I love AK; its beaches leave a lot to be desired.  So after running in the ocean, rolling in the sand, then jumping back in that ocean; I was ready to head back for dinner.  Dinner?  Yes dinner.  One advantage to sharing an apartment with older people is that the time schedule is set back a few hours into the day.  Make for late nights and late mornings.  Just my style. *double fistpump*  Then when we went back we visited with the cousin, aunt, and uncle, and chilled until bed.  I can't wait to retire. ;)

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