Sunday, June 23, 2013

Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 29

Train rides are a lot slower than I thought they would be.  When I woke up this morning and headed out to the car, I was ready for a speedy, fast, get me there in no time ride.  Well I was sadly disappointed.  Sitting on the train I felt bored out of my mind as I watched the countryside slowly amble by.  That is until I figured out there's a plethora of games on my laptop that don't require the internet. ;)  So...yeah.  That was basically the majority of my 13 hour train ride from Colorado to Utah.
And then we arrived.  Man how I've missed this place!  I fondly looked out the window at the familiar mountain line as we pulled up to the station.  Then it was time to meet Thomas!  Honestly, he hasn't changed a bit since he left. XD  And so here I am, at the Jones' (name changed for confidentiality reasons) house where they so graciously let me have a room and board, munching down on the best ice cream I've had in my seventeen years. :D  But the best part is that I'm about to learn Jazz and Modern. :)  I  am so psyched for tomorrow!  New dance style, here I come!

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