Sunday, June 23, 2013

Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 28

Well I completely forgot to write in this blog last night so I'm going to try and do my best to remember what happened tomorrow. *thinks hard*
Well for one, it was Grandma's birthday today!  We went to a pretty cool "Junkyard Zoo" where some creative person formed a ton of animals (mainly dinosaurs) out of pieces of rusty metal...well...junk.  I was kind of out of it today though.  I don't know if it was the annoyance for my tongue or the hot weather, but I was really quite tired.
But the end of the day went better were I spent the last few hours with my cousins.  Man, time really flew by fast!  I can't believe that I'm about to head off to my third and final slice of summer vacation tomorrow! O.o

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