Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Thomas's Post

So here's mah friend Thomas; here to write on this post whatever he desires so he can stop bugging me. ;)

"Fine, be that way! jk bro. So I'm Thomas, Mason's best friend, (Don't ever let him tell you differently).
It's been said that I'm a genius, a dynamic dancer, (I am the original choreographer of 'his' Firework Dance) an amazing athlete, overall nice guy, and quite the looker; of course, all of those things were said by me, but they were said. :-)

Mason and I go way back, like forever. We met in 8th grade, and have been tight ever since. We've done hikes, been in school plays, played sports, performed dance routines at quinceaneras... etc.

Anyway, I've been thinking about writing a blog for some time now, and this is my first ever post. This is kinda fun, posting random thoughts and insights about random topics, so I think I might actually start my own blog. Good night Internet! (or is it morning?)"

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