Monday, July 15, 2013

Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 51

Holes today.  Lots and lots of holes.  Thomas and I headed outside in the morning and, after taking off our shirts of course, we proceded to work our way along the house.  Something that Thomas seriously regrets right now as he is lying on his stomach with a killer sunburn on his back. ;) It looks quite painful actually... *wince*
Besides digging holes, I also went and played night games with Thomas and some of his neighbor girls.  We played things like cop and robbers and hung around on the playground.  However, I made a bad decision and stayed outside for a little longer than Thomas's mom told us to go inside, so I got chewed out when I came back in. :/  I felt really bad about it actually.  I think I'll pass on night games for a while now. *rolls eyes*  But it was fun to talk with the girls.  They're a ton of fun to hang with. :)

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