Monday, July 22, 2013

Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 58

First day of Ceo Space today!  And honestly?  Not much business going down with the teen section...  I mean, all we did for the entire day today, from 8am to 8pm, was talk and practice how to be sociable.  Something that I've been doing for my entire life. *facepalm*  But it was a good experience to meet new friends, so that's something. :)
There actually was a few business opportunities, but those were mainly during breakfast lunch and dinner.  Basically you could choose who's table to sit at and eat and the experienced business men there would listen to your idea and give you direction.  And I have to say, I learned quite a lot!  There's now a few ideas swirling around in my head that I've never thought of before.  It'll be interesting to see how this experience changes my viewpoint on business materials and talking to people.

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