Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 38

As I was dozing off to sleep I realized that I had yet to write todays journal entry.  So as a result I'm going to make this as short as I can so I can get back to my comfy blankets and pillows.

-Finished all the dance numbers for tomorrow.  I can't believe that this camp's almost over! O.o
-I CAN TOUCH MY TOES NOW!! *squee in delight*  Okay, some context is important for this.  For as long as I have existed on this earth, I haven't been able to touch, brush, or even come close to reaching my toes.  It makes stretching in sports kinda embarrassing. *cough*  But apparently these stretching classes I've been taking in this workshop are actually working! :D  I'm so proud of myself right now.
-Went to an okay dance.  There weren't a lot of people who were willing to learn how to swing dance and there was only one line dance.  Definitely lacking in my personal opinion.
-Mom and Cameron arrived tonight.  They just drove in from Colorado.

So there's my day written as fast as I could type out the words.  Now goodnight, I'm going back to sleep.

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