While I was doing my browsing on Facebook, something caught my eye. This was written by a pastor for Christ's Community Church and I loved it so much, I couldn't resist re-posting. Here is what a true man ought to feel in regards to the opposite sex.
"Someday I am going to have to have the conversation with my son. No, not the conversation all parents dread giving and all kids are mortified having. I enjoy making people uncomfortable, so that conversation should be fun.
No, I’m talking about another conversation. The one that happens after I catch his eye doing what male eyes do well — following an object of lust. We will probably be out at the mall, because that’s what dads do with their sons, and I’ll catch the look. Maybe we’ll go to the beach and see it. Doesn’t matter where it is. There will come a time when I will see it. And then it will be time for this conversation.
Hey, come here. Let me talk to you. I saw you look at her. I’m not judging you or shaming you. I know why you did. I get it. But we have to talk about it because how you look at a woman matters.
A lot of people will try and tell you that a woman should watch how she dresses so she doesn’t tempt you to look at her wrongly. Here is what I will tell you. It is a woman’s responsibility to dress herself in the morning. It is your responsibility to look at her like a human being regardless of what she is wearing. You will feel the temptation to blame her for your wandering eyes because of what she is wearing — or not wearing. But don’t. Don’t play the victim. You are not a helpless victim when it comes to your eyes. You have full control over them. Exercise that control. Train them to look her in the eyes. Discipline yourself to see her, not her clothes or her body. The moment you play the victim, you fall into the lie that you are simply embodied reaction to external stimuli unable to determine right from wrong, human from flesh.
Look right at me. That is a ridiculous lie.
You are more than that. And the woman you are looking at is more than her clothes. She is more than her body. There is a lot of talk about how men objectify women, and largely, it is true. Humans objectify the things they love in effort to control them. If you truly love a person, do not reduce them to an object. The moment you objectify another human — woman or man — you give up your humanity.
There are two views regarding a woman’s dress code that you will be pressured to buy into. One view will say that women need to dress to get the attention of men. The other view will say women need to dress to protect men from themselves. Son, you are better than both of these. A woman, or any human being, should not have to dress to get your attention. You should give them the full attention they deserve simply because they are a fellow human being. On the other side, a woman should not have to feel like she needs to protect you from you. You need to be in control of you.
Unfortunately, much of how the sexes interact with each is rooted in fear. Fear of rejection, fear of abuse, fear of being out of control. In some ways, the church has added to this. We fear each other because we have been taught the other is dangerous. We’ve been a taught a woman’s body will cause men to sin. We’re told that if a woman shows too much of her body men will do stupid things. Let’s be clear: A woman’s body is not dangerous to you. Her body will not cause you harm. It will not make you do stupid things. If you do stupid things, it is because you chose to do stupid things. So don’t contribute to the fear that exists between men and women.
A woman’s body is beautiful and wonderful and mysterious. Respect it by respecting her as an individual with hopes and dreams and experiences and emotions and longings. Let her be confident. Encourage her confidence. But don’t do all this because she is weaker. That’s the biggest bunch of crap out there. Women are not weaker than men. They are not the weaker sex. They are the other sex.
I’m not telling you to not look at women. Just the opposite. I’m telling you to see women. Really see them. Not just with your eyes but with your heart. Don’t look to see something that tickles your senses, but see a human being.
My hope is that changing how you see women will change how you are around them. Don’t just be around women. Be with women.
Because in the end, they want to be with you. Without fear of being judged, or shamed, or condemned, or objectified or being treated as other. And that’s not just what women want. That’s what people want.
Ultimately, it’s what you want."
Friday, October 18, 2013
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 87
Last day of Summer! And what did I do? Spent most of it cleaning...but it's all good because the house looks much better now. ;) Zach and I also had lunch with Alexa and Eryn, so that was fun and all. It's nice to see all these friends again. :) But yeah! There was my day!
Whoa.... I did it... That passed by quickly. O.o And to think that I actually made it!!! I posted in this blog EVERY single day that I went through this Summer!!! You have no idea how happy I am right now. :'D
Well it's been a fun time; filled with all sorts of new adventures and experiences, but I am very ready for school now. So here marks the end of the Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness and onwards to School Escapades! :D
Whoa.... I did it... That passed by quickly. O.o And to think that I actually made it!!! I posted in this blog EVERY single day that I went through this Summer!!! You have no idea how happy I am right now. :'D
Well it's been a fun time; filled with all sorts of new adventures and experiences, but I am very ready for school now. So here marks the end of the Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness and onwards to School Escapades! :D
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 86
Finally! Internet! After over a week of not being able to post on this blog, Mom goes and gets the internet back. :D Now to just remember what happened these last couple days...
Well as for THIS day, we finally started the dancing stuff back up again. So at first we did clogging where we learned an entire intermediate routine in about two hours. You want to talk about satisfying? Because when you can complete a routine like that with only a few mistakes, then you know the meaning of that word. ;) Afterwards Sabrina, Katie, Zach, Zion, and I all took a walk around Wal-Mart and the outdoors to get away from the mess that still is our house. I honestly don't think that it's going to get cleaned anytime soon. Especially with school starting. *headdesk*
OH! Speaking of school starting, we all got registered today! And I got my schedule for this year. I actually am really excited to get started on it. :D
Period 1 ~ Guitar
Period 2 ~ Film Literature
Period 3 ~ Concert Choir
Period 4 ~ Chemistry
Period 5 ~ AP Calculus
Period 6 ~ Seminary
Online Classes
~ U.S. History
~ U.S. Government
~ Gothic Literature
So I'm going to be busy, but it's going to be worth it. :)
Then this evening we did dance practice and reviewed over dances we're going to be doing at the State Fair this Friday. And here we have to learn several routines in just a few days. O.o Wish us luck!
Well as for THIS day, we finally started the dancing stuff back up again. So at first we did clogging where we learned an entire intermediate routine in about two hours. You want to talk about satisfying? Because when you can complete a routine like that with only a few mistakes, then you know the meaning of that word. ;) Afterwards Sabrina, Katie, Zach, Zion, and I all took a walk around Wal-Mart and the outdoors to get away from the mess that still is our house. I honestly don't think that it's going to get cleaned anytime soon. Especially with school starting. *headdesk*
OH! Speaking of school starting, we all got registered today! And I got my schedule for this year. I actually am really excited to get started on it. :D
Period 1 ~ Guitar
Period 2 ~ Film Literature
Period 3 ~ Concert Choir
Period 4 ~ Chemistry
Period 5 ~ AP Calculus
Period 6 ~ Seminary
Online Classes
~ U.S. History
~ U.S. Government
~ Gothic Literature
So I'm going to be busy, but it's going to be worth it. :)
Then this evening we did dance practice and reviewed over dances we're going to be doing at the State Fair this Friday. And here we have to learn several routines in just a few days. O.o Wish us luck!
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 85
So apparently today was Stake Conference instead of regular church schedule. I have to say though, I didn't really pay any attention to the talks whatsoever. Instead I was playing with all the little kids around me who belonged to other families. When I was coloring a little paper thing I made with crayons, I was wondering if this is the reason I haven't been growing lately. Maybe because my mind refuses to keep maturing, my body is as well. ;)
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 84
Zach is back! And is he ever excited to be so. :) After spending the day clearing out our garage full of stuff into the driveway to sort through, we celebrated his return by heading over to a tri-stake dance going on. And I must admit, with my gold tie and suspenders contrasting my black shirt and pants; I was looking quite fine. ;) The dance was a lot of fun. :D I'm wondering if it had partly to do with the fact that it was the first church dance I had been to for months, and if I was feeling a bit deprived. *thoughtful look* It's definitely a possibility.
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 83
Finally finished the room today! And man does it look different. O.o After converting the bunk bed into two separate beds, then clearing out all the junk and organizing the bookshelves and closet; I'm feeling pretty proud of myself. *smug look* Zach's supposed to come in at two in the morning, so I'll see him when I wake up tomorrow.
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 82
All I did today was clean my room. That's it. It's not even done yet! But, alas... It must be done before Zach arrives tomorrow night, so at least he can have a clean haven among the discord that is the rest of our house right now. Heck, I'm looking forward to having a junk free place of refuge!
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 81
HOME AT LAST. Ironically the longest part of our 3000 mile jot up here was the final two hours. You're SO close but not close enough! I nearly went out of my mind. >.> But it's all okay now! I swear I took over an hour in the bathroom transforming myself back into a human being again. ;) However now that we're home; here comes the fun part of cleaning our house. *wary look* We moved everything from the trailer inside, and now there's practically no room to move! We are literally climbing over and under furniture to get into the kitchen. *headdesk* And to think that my friend, Zach, is moving up from Texas to spend his senior year up here; and is going to share a bedroom with me! I hope he doesn't freak out the moment he see's how crazy our house is. ::)
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 80
I took a look in the mirror at a bathroom gas station today. You know what I resemble now? One of those truckers you see making thousand mile long journeys. I mean I've got the greasy hair, oily skin, scruffy beard, and crumpled clothes. I must say, I looked quite the sight. O.o I can't WAIT to go shower the moment we get home!
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 79
All day on the highway. What more is there to say? Trees, grass, and lots of wildlife like buffalo, deer, and goats. It was nice being out in the middle of nowhere for those parts because the animals weren't afraid of being pretty darn close to the car. Perfect picture opportunity. ;)
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 78
Sunday on the road. Mom decided that she wanted to stop by this little town in the middle of Canada to go to church! I took one look in the mirror with my greasy non-washed hair, and immediately declined her offer of joining her. ::) So the rest of the day passed by driving, reading scriptures, and discussing deeply religious topics with mother dearest. Could have gone worse. :)
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 77
And so we're off! The beginning of our road trips started today. *dramatic music* Actually, it's not that dramatic at all. Nothing really to talk about. I found a few books from my childhood that I spent a few hours reading and thinking fondly of those days. OH! We also saw a stray cow on the road at a gas station! Where Alaska has moose, Idaho has cows I suppose. It was just weird for me to see that. >.> As for our mileage; currently we've passed through Utah and Idaho and have just reached the border of Montana. 300 miles knocked off our 3000 mile trip. *frazzled look* Hopefully I'll have kept my sanity in check by the time we reach Alaska. O.o
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 76
Though the dance camp is over and done with, no sleeping in for me today! Why? Because I had a hot date! Remember Amberlyn? The one I met from CEO Space a few weeks ago? Well guess where she lives? Turns out, not far from where I'm staying at in Utah. :) So it took hardly any effort to contact her and schedule a fun three hour date in Salt Lake City while Mom finished up the packing for our trip.
....it wasn't three hours...
....it wasn't even five hours....
....want to know how long it lasted?....
....Twelve hours later Mom picked us back up....
Twelve hours.
Now don't get the wrong idea. These twelve hours were probably the funnest and funniest I have had all summer. XD SO. What did we do? Lets start from the beginning!
~Picked up smoothies for breakfast
It was perfectly nutritious and filling. Stop worrying. ;)
~Walked around Temple Square
In the summertime in Utah, Temple Square is breathtakingly beautiful. Though with a cute girl by my side, I wasn't paying much attention to the flowers and trees and beautiful scenery. ;)
~Took a tour inside the Conference Center
The tour guide was actually all to ourselves! It was fun talking with her while walking around the largest auditorium in America. Though she DID at first think we were together. I honestly wonder how many people thought we were married today. This IS Utah after all. ;)
~Danced on the streets
Or more like the sidewalks I suppose. You know those stores that play music outside? Well as we passed by each one, we spontaneously started dancing. And not even proper dancing with each other. More like the flail your arms in the air, dance like no one is watching you type of dancing. The looks we got...XD
~Set up residence in Barnes and Nobles
As we were strolling along the outdoor mall, we saw a Barnes and Nobles. Being the giant bookworms we both are; neither of us could stop each other from being pulled in by it's enchanting rows of books and musty smell of new and old pages. Honestly. Best smelling store I've EVER been in? Barnes and Nobles. No questions asked. In there we took to moving from section to section dramatically reading the backs of every book that looked slightly entertaining. It got interesting when we happened across those cheap romance novels. XD Two hours later we walked out; only drawn away by our increasing need for food (cheesy corndogs anyone?).
~Visited a tie/vest/suspender store
I was in heaven. That's really all that needs to be said. It was at that moment, looking at all those expensive articles of clothing, that I decided this was the reason I wanted to be rich. So I could have a wardrobe that looks just like this store. ;) However before leaving I could help but treat myself to some sparkly gold suspenders. And let me tell you; I wore them for the rest of the day. XD With my shorts, T-shirt, and suspenders, like Amberlyn pointed out, I looked like I was wearing Lederhosen. *shakes with mirth* And if you think I got weird looks before...
~Invaded several clothing stores
Invaded is the right word too. Basically Amberlyn and I had that game of "How ridiculous can I make you look with the clothes in this shop?" It got very entertaining, very fast. *cracks up thinking about it* Several times I looked like a cross dresser/hooker and she looked like an avid football fan/one directioner. We had to keep switching stores though to keep them from calling the mall police. ;)
~Chilled in a health place
Have you ever been in a store where there's all of these things that are supposed to make you feel better? Such as massage chairs, special headphones, plush beds, or vibrating machines? Where they all were available for free trial runs? After a long day of walking on concrete; this place was divine. And since we were the only customers actually there, they let us stay for a super long time! Like; a SUPER long time. I don't think my shoulders have actually ever felt this good before. ;)
~Talked. A lot
This actually belongs in every single activity listed above. And interspersed between as well. The thing about Amberlyn is that she has so much in common with me, we never run out of things to talk about. This part was probably the best part of the date. Just being able to talk with her. :D
Well Mom finally finished and picked us up and that was that. So yeah! There you go! It's really going to be hard to top a date like that... but I'm definitely up to the challenge. ;)
....it wasn't three hours...
....it wasn't even five hours....
....want to know how long it lasted?....
....Twelve hours later Mom picked us back up....
Twelve hours.
Now don't get the wrong idea. These twelve hours were probably the funnest and funniest I have had all summer. XD SO. What did we do? Lets start from the beginning!
~Picked up smoothies for breakfast
It was perfectly nutritious and filling. Stop worrying. ;)
~Walked around Temple Square
In the summertime in Utah, Temple Square is breathtakingly beautiful. Though with a cute girl by my side, I wasn't paying much attention to the flowers and trees and beautiful scenery. ;)
~Took a tour inside the Conference Center
The tour guide was actually all to ourselves! It was fun talking with her while walking around the largest auditorium in America. Though she DID at first think we were together. I honestly wonder how many people thought we were married today. This IS Utah after all. ;)
~Danced on the streets
Or more like the sidewalks I suppose. You know those stores that play music outside? Well as we passed by each one, we spontaneously started dancing. And not even proper dancing with each other. More like the flail your arms in the air, dance like no one is watching you type of dancing. The looks we got...XD
~Set up residence in Barnes and Nobles
As we were strolling along the outdoor mall, we saw a Barnes and Nobles. Being the giant bookworms we both are; neither of us could stop each other from being pulled in by it's enchanting rows of books and musty smell of new and old pages. Honestly. Best smelling store I've EVER been in? Barnes and Nobles. No questions asked. In there we took to moving from section to section dramatically reading the backs of every book that looked slightly entertaining. It got interesting when we happened across those cheap romance novels. XD Two hours later we walked out; only drawn away by our increasing need for food (cheesy corndogs anyone?).
~Visited a tie/vest/suspender store
I was in heaven. That's really all that needs to be said. It was at that moment, looking at all those expensive articles of clothing, that I decided this was the reason I wanted to be rich. So I could have a wardrobe that looks just like this store. ;) However before leaving I could help but treat myself to some sparkly gold suspenders. And let me tell you; I wore them for the rest of the day. XD With my shorts, T-shirt, and suspenders, like Amberlyn pointed out, I looked like I was wearing Lederhosen. *shakes with mirth* And if you think I got weird looks before...
~Invaded several clothing stores
Invaded is the right word too. Basically Amberlyn and I had that game of "How ridiculous can I make you look with the clothes in this shop?" It got very entertaining, very fast. *cracks up thinking about it* Several times I looked like a cross dresser/hooker and she looked like an avid football fan/one directioner. We had to keep switching stores though to keep them from calling the mall police. ;)
~Chilled in a health place
Have you ever been in a store where there's all of these things that are supposed to make you feel better? Such as massage chairs, special headphones, plush beds, or vibrating machines? Where they all were available for free trial runs? After a long day of walking on concrete; this place was divine. And since we were the only customers actually there, they let us stay for a super long time! Like; a SUPER long time. I don't think my shoulders have actually ever felt this good before. ;)
~Talked. A lot
This actually belongs in every single activity listed above. And interspersed between as well. The thing about Amberlyn is that she has so much in common with me, we never run out of things to talk about. This part was probably the best part of the date. Just being able to talk with her. :D
Well Mom finally finished and picked us up and that was that. So yeah! There you go! It's really going to be hard to top a date like that... but I'm definitely up to the challenge. ;)
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 75
Performance day! And what a performance it was! Sadly for copyright issues I can't post the videos we took of my drop dead amazing performances...but I can tell you they went perfectly. *happy nod* With an advanced Waltz and an intermediate II Paso Doble, I enjoyed this last day more than the others combined. Probably because I had made a bunch of good friends by this point. That always helps. ;) After all the students performed however, was when the true showcase began. Our teachers; Russian couple Peter, and Alexandria, gave us the honor of watching them dance. And wow. O.o Just wow. If I didn't have an idol before, I do now. Man, they can MOVE! Talk about light as a feather, graceful as a swan, and fancy feet all combined into one! Their dancing was quite literally entrancing. Of course they got a standing ovation for every piece they did.
But then everything took a sadder turn of events after it ended, for that was when everyone had to say goodbye. This is the big disadvantage to going to these camps. Because even though you meet people from all over the place; when it's time to leave, everyone is, well... all over the place. You're never going to find the same group of people in the same place at the same time until we all die and in the Celestial kingdom we're all like, "Hey! I remember you from that 2013 dance camp!"
So I said my goodbyes to old friends like Emma and Thomas, and to my new friends like Steven and Rebecca (total crush of the week there), and to anyone else who felt like having a hug at that time. ;) I'm so going to save up the money to come back here next year!
But then everything took a sadder turn of events after it ended, for that was when everyone had to say goodbye. This is the big disadvantage to going to these camps. Because even though you meet people from all over the place; when it's time to leave, everyone is, well... all over the place. You're never going to find the same group of people in the same place at the same time until we all die and in the Celestial kingdom we're all like, "Hey! I remember you from that 2013 dance camp!"
So I said my goodbyes to old friends like Emma and Thomas, and to my new friends like Steven and Rebecca (total crush of the week there), and to anyone else who felt like having a hug at that time. ;) I'm so going to save up the money to come back here next year!
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 74
While waltzing around in the advanced class today, I happened to discover that the girl I was dancing with was a national champion for dancing jive and quickstep. Do you know how long she had been dancing? Two or three years. *stunned pause* Talk about intensive learning. O.o But you know, when I learn that, I figure that with enough work, I too can become a master ballroomer in a short time. Something to strive for, right? ;)
Tonight was the youth dance for the camp! Exciting, yes? A bunch of other ballroom dancers in a stake dance sort of thing sounds like a blast to me! Unfortunately BYU camp politics got in the way. At least that's how it was explained to me. Since I was off campus and not staying in the dorms, I wasn't able to go. So instead I went to the BYU bookstore. Let me tell you how much I love that place. :D Three stories filled with anything you could possibly want, and so many good books you don't know where to start! But today instead of going straight to the fantasy section like I usually do, I instead decided I was feeling in a more philosophical mood. So I spent a good chunk of money buying three important items.
Man's Search for Meaning
Though a short read, from the small amount I've gotten through so far, this book has so many priceless quotes it's crazy. It's like something I'd read for an English or psychology class, but so good that I'm willing to spend time on it during the summer.
War and Peace
A classic! Or so I've been told... I got this book specifically with the long road trip ahead in my mind. Even if it IS difficult to get through; at least I'll have something to do rather than be bored 17 hours every day. ;)
Yup. That's probably the big one in this group of books. I got an actual hard cover journal! I'm hoping the fact that it looks pretty official will keep me writing in it. ;) You might ask, "Why are you writing in another journal when you have this one online?" But the fact of the matter is that, unfortunately I can't put everything I'd like to online and still be viewed in the same way. I mean, what all with crushes, people who irritate me, situations I don't want out in the public eye... Some things I just can't put on here. Wish me luck though! Hopefully I'll have better luck keeping this solid life journal than others I've started. ;)
Tonight was the youth dance for the camp! Exciting, yes? A bunch of other ballroom dancers in a stake dance sort of thing sounds like a blast to me! Unfortunately BYU camp politics got in the way. At least that's how it was explained to me. Since I was off campus and not staying in the dorms, I wasn't able to go. So instead I went to the BYU bookstore. Let me tell you how much I love that place. :D Three stories filled with anything you could possibly want, and so many good books you don't know where to start! But today instead of going straight to the fantasy section like I usually do, I instead decided I was feeling in a more philosophical mood. So I spent a good chunk of money buying three important items.
Man's Search for Meaning
Though a short read, from the small amount I've gotten through so far, this book has so many priceless quotes it's crazy. It's like something I'd read for an English or psychology class, but so good that I'm willing to spend time on it during the summer.
War and Peace
A classic! Or so I've been told... I got this book specifically with the long road trip ahead in my mind. Even if it IS difficult to get through; at least I'll have something to do rather than be bored 17 hours every day. ;)
Yup. That's probably the big one in this group of books. I got an actual hard cover journal! I'm hoping the fact that it looks pretty official will keep me writing in it. ;) You might ask, "Why are you writing in another journal when you have this one online?" But the fact of the matter is that, unfortunately I can't put everything I'd like to online and still be viewed in the same way. I mean, what all with crushes, people who irritate me, situations I don't want out in the public eye... Some things I just can't put on here. Wish me luck though! Hopefully I'll have better luck keeping this solid life journal than others I've started. ;)
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 73
So today in ballroom I decided I would up my game and move to the Advanced classes in Waltz and Swing. Because, those are the two dances that I've been doing for forever. :) And you know what? I didn't do half that bad! The thing about this ballroom workshop is that they teach you sequences of dances. They don't teach you the individual moves and how to tie them together, but more like a dance routine sort. Not that I'm saying it's a bad thing, but it's just not my favorite type of teaching style. I like it whole lot better when I'm taught individual moves that I can freestyle with in Stake dances and the like. *shrugs* But I suppose I'll pull through these next two days. ;)
This was our day to go hang out at the water park Seven Peaks! I hung out with a large group of teenagers... So basically all we did was make fools of ourselves. XD
This was our day to go hang out at the water park Seven Peaks! I hung out with a large group of teenagers... So basically all we did was make fools of ourselves. XD
Monday, August 5, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 72
So we started out on our super long 9 hour road trip to Utah really early this morning. I don't remember much of the actual trip since I was sleeping most of the way... But I got up in time for the last half of the ballroom dance class today when we finally reached Provo. And guess who I saw there?? As I was learning the Tango, I just happened to turn towards the door. And just then, I saw my super good friend, Emma walk in! :D My mind about blew in astonishment. This girl had been a buddy in AK before she had to go move down to Idaho. I haven't seen her for around three years, so to meet her in the BYU ballroom dance room was amazing. *giant grin*
The rest of the day was spent catching up with Emma and making a lot of new friends. For one, there was a TON of Alaska people there! I kept on running into them and I was all like, "Whoa! I'm not alone!" I have a feeling that this ballroom camp will be so much better than the modern one was earlier in the summer.
After our classes ended for the day, Mom and I headed back to the Shelton's house again where I spent a few hours playing with the younger kids (of course). But now I am tired and ready for bed, so here's Mason, signing off!
The rest of the day was spent catching up with Emma and making a lot of new friends. For one, there was a TON of Alaska people there! I kept on running into them and I was all like, "Whoa! I'm not alone!" I have a feeling that this ballroom camp will be so much better than the modern one was earlier in the summer.
After our classes ended for the day, Mom and I headed back to the Shelton's house again where I spent a few hours playing with the younger kids (of course). But now I am tired and ready for bed, so here's Mason, signing off!
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 71
Woke up at around 2:00pm today... Though to be fair, getting back home at 4:00am last night had a large part to play in that. ;) Basically all I did today was pack and spend some well spent time with Cameron watching Slenderman videos. But now as I look at the time (11:08pm) I'm bracing myself for the all nighter drive Mom and I are going to have to do to reach Utah in time for my ballroom dance classes tomorrow. O.o Wish us luck!
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 70
FUNNEST DAY HERE. I kid you not; this day tops the previous two, no questions asked. Besides learning some fun lindy hop sequences in the morning; we also were able to learn some traditional Chile dances as well. Lots of hip moving. I felt like I was trying to seduce someone. ::) But that about wrapped it up with the learning part of today! The rest of the 10 hours was spent in a ballroom hall where I enjoyed every last minute up to 2:00am in the morning.
In the ballroom hall was the ending performance that the production put on for everyone. Lots of professional dancing galore. The Chile even did some of their traditional dances for everyone. Though I have to say, I was shocked when they came on stage in their costumes. Let's just say they were extremely revealing and I don't think many people were paying attention to their actual dancing. ::) After the performance was over, it was dancing time! Now that I had quite a few lindy moves under my belt, I actually started asking girls to dance. :D It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside when they said they could believe I'd only been lindy hopping for a month. :3 I also made friends with some girls around my age. Arabella and Sarah. They were the ones that made tonight such a blast. From lindy hopping, to asking professionals to dance, to laughing uncontrollably in the elevator, to sneaking in cookies in the dance hall; I was sad to see tonight end.
In the ballroom hall was the ending performance that the production put on for everyone. Lots of professional dancing galore. The Chile even did some of their traditional dances for everyone. Though I have to say, I was shocked when they came on stage in their costumes. Let's just say they were extremely revealing and I don't think many people were paying attention to their actual dancing. ::) After the performance was over, it was dancing time! Now that I had quite a few lindy moves under my belt, I actually started asking girls to dance. :D It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside when they said they could believe I'd only been lindy hopping for a month. :3 I also made friends with some girls around my age. Arabella and Sarah. They were the ones that made tonight such a blast. From lindy hopping, to asking professionals to dance, to laughing uncontrollably in the elevator, to sneaking in cookies in the dance hall; I was sad to see tonight end.
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 69

Look alike day! One of the dance teachers that taught us today looked almost exactly like Captain America. The resemblance was uncanny. O.o He was definitely my favorite teacher so far though. He and his wife were just so cute and fun loving; it was hard not to love them instantaneously. :)

Then just a little while later, Mom and I met a dancer who looked just like the tailor from Fiddler On the Roof. Crazy part is, he wasn't even Jewish! He just looked like the twin of a Jewish guy on a well known musical. ::)
After classes ended, Mom and I had time to spare, so we went down to Wendy's to eat. Now the thing about were we went was that it was down in the "shadier" part of town. For example, much to my surprise, we first saw a black woman get yelled at by a black guy in the Wendy's eating area before the manager kicked him out. And let me tell you... That eating area seemed like it could have come straight from a T.V. show like Hey Arnold. There was a scrawny old black guy with a white Santa beard, a dude with piercings all over his face, a middle aged white guy minding his own business, a small cute suburban family with mother father and two small children, and then Mom and I surveying the scene. It just struck me as funny. But the drama's not over yet! Before we left Wendy's we saw a buttload of police cars drive up to the road right next to us. Apparently a guy had road rage and hit another dude with his car and pinned him up against a parked car. There was an ambulance and everything. It was intense. O.o Definitely not something I'm used to up in Alaska. *sighs in relief*
Then later that night was another dance! Unfortunately I got a little food poisoning so I was out for the count. But I was able to admire some pretty awesome 60/70 clothes that were for sale. I even got an epic tie out of it. *fistpump* But we ended the night early again at 10:30 like last night so we could get home and crash.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 68
Lindy hop day! WELL, more like learning lindy hop. WELL, more like learning how much I don't know. O.o So Mom and I went to these lindy hop classes over in Denver all day today. I suppose the correct term is all day and all night. The classes start at around 11am and last until the dances end at around 3am. Yeah... It's been a long day. *harrowed look* Luckily instead of 11am to 3am, Mom and I decided to make it a twelve hour day and go from 11am to 11pm. And that alone is enough for me. ;) So yeah! It feels good to be learning dancing again! :D
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 67
Rock climbing day! For the first time ever! And you know what... Just like with the roller coasters; I think I'm addicted. I can't wait for the next time I can do something like this! :D And let me tell you; going up and down a 60 foot cliff face in less that a minute? Point of personal pride for me. ;)

Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 66
Supernatural day! That's really all we did. I hung out at the cousin's house and watched through season two of Supernatural all day... I'm kind of ready to go on a hike or something tomorrow. My brain feels like mush. O.o
Monday, July 29, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 65
Beautiful scenery day! Like seriously. It was gorgeous. :D It's amazing how a pile of dirt and rocks with a few semi-green trees can turn into a view that makes you feel happy just to be alive. So yeah...that was basically my entire day. But you know; it could have been worse. :) We just barely arrived at the cousin's home, so I'm gonna spend as much time as I can tonight with them! Who knows when I'll get the chance again?
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 64
The day of goodbyes. :( I woke up early this morning and said my farewells to everyone I had met and became good friends with. That's the problem with these things that bring people together from all over. When the gathering is over and done with, everyone heads off in every which direction. It's not all that likely that I'll see them all in the same place again. *sad silence* Ah well. *shrugs* Onwards to make new friends! ;)
So while the morning was filled with goodbyes; the rest of the day was the start of our road trip back to Colorado. I have nothing really interesting to say about it. Slept, rocked out to rock music, and watched movies. Pretty average road trip. WELL, Uncle Mike DID try and hook me up with a 23 year old waitress at one of the restaurants we stopped at... Unfortunately it was unsuccessful. ;) Okay, hidden secret time! I've always wanted to ask a random waitress out on a date. You see it all the time in movies, and it's just a secret wish of mine. ;) Anyhoo! Currently we're staying at a hotel in the middle of Richfield Utah watching Singing In the Rain for the first time. It's oldie movies like these that by far win me over with their untechnified songs and sweet lovey dovey romances. :D
So while the morning was filled with goodbyes; the rest of the day was the start of our road trip back to Colorado. I have nothing really interesting to say about it. Slept, rocked out to rock music, and watched movies. Pretty average road trip. WELL, Uncle Mike DID try and hook me up with a 23 year old waitress at one of the restaurants we stopped at... Unfortunately it was unsuccessful. ;) Okay, hidden secret time! I've always wanted to ask a random waitress out on a date. You see it all the time in movies, and it's just a secret wish of mine. ;) Anyhoo! Currently we're staying at a hotel in the middle of Richfield Utah watching Singing In the Rain for the first time. It's oldie movies like these that by far win me over with their untechnified songs and sweet lovey dovey romances. :D
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 63
Expo day! Today everyone who went to CEO Space got the chance to either put up a stand of their products or browse the stands looking for something interesting. Though it was fun to walk around for a bit...it was only fun for about ten minutes. So instead I went swimming with all the younger kids! Hanging around the twelve and thirteen year olds is always a pleasure for me. I'm not sure if it's the fact that they think I'm awesome, or if it's just that I think like a twelve year old. Either way, I had a ton of fun for quite a few hours.
Then I took a break from people and watched a few episodes of a newfound favorite cartoon show of mine; Gravity Falls. It's just so random and strange and hilarious, that I can't help but become addicted. XD However, after a while of that, I decided to go actively be social with people. So what did I do? I totally was invited to Amberlyn's condo where Amberlyn, Amy, Victoria, and I chilled out and talked. It was totally like a glimpse into what a girl's sleepover is like. Massages, giggling, info on how to get a girl to fall in love with you... It was like I had died and gone to heaven. ;) But alas, that had to end as it was nearing 11pm, so I'd best get to bed so I can wake up early tomorrow for some tearful goodbyes. :'(
Then I took a break from people and watched a few episodes of a newfound favorite cartoon show of mine; Gravity Falls. It's just so random and strange and hilarious, that I can't help but become addicted. XD However, after a while of that, I decided to go actively be social with people. So what did I do? I totally was invited to Amberlyn's condo where Amberlyn, Amy, Victoria, and I chilled out and talked. It was totally like a glimpse into what a girl's sleepover is like. Massages, giggling, info on how to get a girl to fall in love with you... It was like I had died and gone to heaven. ;) But alas, that had to end as it was nearing 11pm, so I'd best get to bed so I can wake up early tomorrow for some tearful goodbyes. :'(
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 62
*rubbing tired bloodshot eyes* Man I'm tired. It was a long, but fun day. *sleepy smile* So this was our last full day in the Teen Feast program. And besides eating pizza at lunch *fistpump* we didn't do anything that important until graduation that afternoon. So after a few inspirational speeches (one by Amberlyn who got a standing ovation from a roomful of CEOs) everyone got a really cool looking certificate! Which all of the teens used as a yearbook signing opportunity of course. ;) Then for the rest of the evening I spent some more time with Amberlyn and Victoria. It's truly amazing how close you can feel with some people after just a week with them. :D
Friday, July 26, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 61
DRAMA DAY!! D: And I am totally serious when I say that. Since the beginning of the week, everyone's been telling me about Thursday and the feels that comes with it. So, needless to say, I was quite curious to what we were to be doing. Basically, as Cameron very aptly said; it was a big teen therapy session. People around the room would say something that's been a problem in their life and anyone else who had the same problem would stand as well. There, sitting in that room, watching people pop up and down several different times, I confirmed what an easy life I had. Really all I had to stand up for was divorced parents. That's about it. But most of the other people were suffering or had suffered through some seriously messed up stuff. It was humbling to witness. Though in the next point in the "group session," different people were singled out in an attempt to heal them of any problems that had set them off the straight and narrow. However, I felt that particular exercise could have been handled better, as it ended with a guy shoving through the circle and storming out the door. It was unexpected, but good for the group as a whole to realize that they might have pushed him to hard.
The rest of the night took a more pleasant turn though! From dinner on I had an awesome time wandering around the hotel with Amberlyn and Victoria. One experience we had while walking around was we ran into a couple who were obviously pretty wasted. But after inviting us to the Casino (which we politely decined) I very clearly heard this conversation from them as they were walking away.
Woman: Hey, you know, that guy was pretty cute!
Man: If you say so. I'm pretty sure he's gay though.
Woman: Yeah, you're probably right.
. . . *FACEPALM* All I could do was laugh. XD So apparently it wasn't my long hair that made people think I was gay! Actually, Amberlyn made it all very clear to me when she said, "Mason, with guys like you, they can only be one of two things. Gay or Mormon." And after thinking on it; I think she hit the nail on the head. XD
The rest of the night took a more pleasant turn though! From dinner on I had an awesome time wandering around the hotel with Amberlyn and Victoria. One experience we had while walking around was we ran into a couple who were obviously pretty wasted. But after inviting us to the Casino (which we politely decined) I very clearly heard this conversation from them as they were walking away.
Woman: Hey, you know, that guy was pretty cute!
Man: If you say so. I'm pretty sure he's gay though.
Woman: Yeah, you're probably right.
. . . *FACEPALM* All I could do was laugh. XD So apparently it wasn't my long hair that made people think I was gay! Actually, Amberlyn made it all very clear to me when she said, "Mason, with guys like you, they can only be one of two things. Gay or Mormon." And after thinking on it; I think she hit the nail on the head. XD
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 60
Friend day! But before we get to the fun friend part; let me say that today was the first time I skipped out on one of the Teen Feast two hour "sections." Not because I'm a terrible person! Just because they were talking about bullying. BULLYING. Do you have any idea how many times I've been taught about bullying?! In school, by parents, with peers, in workshops... I mean seriously. I have every knowledge in how to avoid bullying, solve bullying, talk to bullies, and what to do if I'm being bullied. I think I was justified in taking a nap in my hotel room for those two hours. ;)
But during dinner today I had a pretty cool experience! First of all, I sat at the table Matt Romney was at. Mitt Romney's second cousin. It was kind of funny because he looked exactly like a typical RM and Mormon dad. XD Really cool guy too! But of course, usually us Mormons are. ;) Anyhoo, basically after everyone had explained their businesses at the table I was at, they all turned to help me with my business. So after an hour of all these corporation leaders giving me suggestions and ideas, I'm quite satisfied. :)
Afterwards I had a lot of fun with Amberlyn! (the other Mormon here) After belting out songs varying from Disney to Phantom of the Opera to church hymns, we simply walked along the hotel gardens talking about this that and the other thing. Best night of this week yet. :D
But during dinner today I had a pretty cool experience! First of all, I sat at the table Matt Romney was at. Mitt Romney's second cousin. It was kind of funny because he looked exactly like a typical RM and Mormon dad. XD Really cool guy too! But of course, usually us Mormons are. ;) Anyhoo, basically after everyone had explained their businesses at the table I was at, they all turned to help me with my business. So after an hour of all these corporation leaders giving me suggestions and ideas, I'm quite satisfied. :)
Afterwards I had a lot of fun with Amberlyn! (the other Mormon here) After belting out songs varying from Disney to Phantom of the Opera to church hymns, we simply walked along the hotel gardens talking about this that and the other thing. Best night of this week yet. :D
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 59
So today for the teen program, it was a lot of talking about self-doubt and the "façade" we hide ourselves behind. There were a lot of people standing up and sharing their sob stories about how they didn't feel safe a lot of the time and hid in a shell for most their life. It was during this that I found something out about myself. Here's what I wrote sitting in that room growing kind of bored.
"Today as I sit here in Teen Feast, I realized that I am really weird in the fact that I am totally satisfied with myself. As people around the room are bringing forth their sob stories and how they didn't feel accepted sometime in their life, I sat here thinking about how MY life has been. When I ponder on it I think I've had a pretty darn easy life. Sure I've been through my parents' divorce; sure I've been rejected by people before; sure there have been problems in my life...but I haven't allowed those things to stain who I am. It might be because I've had an easy life; or it might be because of my attitude when being faced with challenges. Who knows? All I am sure about is that I KNOW who I am and I love me."
I discovered that I am a pretty genuine person. I am outside my house what I am inside. I really don't HAVE a shell that I hid behind. I know my flaws, my strengths, my weaknesses, and I'm perfectly okay with them. Unfortunately that quality is rare to find in, not only teens, but anyone else in any other age group. This is probably the one ability I am most proud of in myself. :)
In other news... I found a Mormon friend today!! :D We were sitting at a table together during lunch where they had served iced tea to everyone. She took a look at it and said, "It's too bad I can't drink that because it looks really good." I immediately froze and asked her exactly why she couldn't drink it. We kind of had a squee fest with everyone else looking on in confusion. XD It's good to have another person here who shares my beliefs. :)
Speaking of beliefs, I had an interesting experience regarding some of the other teens today. Later this evening I decided to go hang with some of the other kids my age. Well they walked to a room and I kind of tagged along. The problem was; once they reached the room they started up conversations about all these raunchy and sexual subjects. After enduring speech like that for a few minutes, I couldn't stand it any longer and walked out of the room. It was just not fun for me in the slightest. However, walking back to my room, I saw another group of teens sitting off to the side playing guitar and singing old folk and country songs. Needless to say, I definitely know who I'm going to be chilling with for the rest of the week. ;)
"Today as I sit here in Teen Feast, I realized that I am really weird in the fact that I am totally satisfied with myself. As people around the room are bringing forth their sob stories and how they didn't feel accepted sometime in their life, I sat here thinking about how MY life has been. When I ponder on it I think I've had a pretty darn easy life. Sure I've been through my parents' divorce; sure I've been rejected by people before; sure there have been problems in my life...but I haven't allowed those things to stain who I am. It might be because I've had an easy life; or it might be because of my attitude when being faced with challenges. Who knows? All I am sure about is that I KNOW who I am and I love me."
I discovered that I am a pretty genuine person. I am outside my house what I am inside. I really don't HAVE a shell that I hid behind. I know my flaws, my strengths, my weaknesses, and I'm perfectly okay with them. Unfortunately that quality is rare to find in, not only teens, but anyone else in any other age group. This is probably the one ability I am most proud of in myself. :)
In other news... I found a Mormon friend today!! :D We were sitting at a table together during lunch where they had served iced tea to everyone. She took a look at it and said, "It's too bad I can't drink that because it looks really good." I immediately froze and asked her exactly why she couldn't drink it. We kind of had a squee fest with everyone else looking on in confusion. XD It's good to have another person here who shares my beliefs. :)
Speaking of beliefs, I had an interesting experience regarding some of the other teens today. Later this evening I decided to go hang with some of the other kids my age. Well they walked to a room and I kind of tagged along. The problem was; once they reached the room they started up conversations about all these raunchy and sexual subjects. After enduring speech like that for a few minutes, I couldn't stand it any longer and walked out of the room. It was just not fun for me in the slightest. However, walking back to my room, I saw another group of teens sitting off to the side playing guitar and singing old folk and country songs. Needless to say, I definitely know who I'm going to be chilling with for the rest of the week. ;)
Monday, July 22, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 58
First day of Ceo Space today! And honestly? Not much business going down with the teen section... I mean, all we did for the entire day today, from 8am to 8pm, was talk and practice how to be sociable. Something that I've been doing for my entire life. *facepalm* But it was a good experience to meet new friends, so that's something. :)
There actually was a few business opportunities, but those were mainly during breakfast lunch and dinner. Basically you could choose who's table to sit at and eat and the experienced business men there would listen to your idea and give you direction. And I have to say, I learned quite a lot! There's now a few ideas swirling around in my head that I've never thought of before. It'll be interesting to see how this experience changes my viewpoint on business materials and talking to people.
There actually was a few business opportunities, but those were mainly during breakfast lunch and dinner. Basically you could choose who's table to sit at and eat and the experienced business men there would listen to your idea and give you direction. And I have to say, I learned quite a lot! There's now a few ideas swirling around in my head that I've never thought of before. It'll be interesting to see how this experience changes my viewpoint on business materials and talking to people.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 57
So the important stuff today started at 7:00pm tonight. Why? Because for the entire day today was basically like yesterday in that I did NOTHING. But it changed today when I was forced to come out of the room and socialize during the introduction to this workshop business thing. And I have to say; it was pretty interesting.
After we learned about curfew and the like, our first guest speaker in a long line for this week was introduced to us. You know who he was? David E. Stanely. Elvis Presely's step brother. *shocked silence* If this guy is our first speaker, who are the others going to be?! However, a little while later I grew disinterested with his speech. Let me tell you why.
David Stanely started out talking about having the proper mindset in being successful. A loser mindset will talk about "I want to do this when I grow up" while a winner mindset will say "I'm in the process of doing this" or "I'm going to do this."
Pretty good stuff and all. Food for thought. He also spouted some quotes that had the audience on their feet and shouting "Amen!" Stuff like...
~"Ignore the negative."
~"Never let a loser tell you how to be a winner."
~"Envy is concealed admiration."
~"If it ain't fun, quit."
It was about halfway through this that I realized, "Hey! All this guy is doing is motivating us! I'm not really learning anything I already didn't know!" After that, I started taking notes on what I was noticing behind the words in his speech.
The Process of Satisfying the Mob
-motivational quotes
-"rise above the norm!" persona
-passionate/loud voice
-cracks jokes/ makes people in audience feel at ease
-brought up God during presentation. here's a clever way of appeasing to the Christians
-relayed soldier story and made it a metaphor to his "Mindsets of Success"
This guy reminds me more of a preacher in a black church than a guy trying to tell me useful information. Lots of soul and inspirational words; but that seems about it. How clique can you get?
And so, for my conclusion to the talk, I wrote this.
"I have heard almost this exact speech several times in school assemblies and motivational movies. It's a good message and all, but seems redundant to me."
Hopefully the other presentations later this week are more useful to me than this one was. ::)
After we learned about curfew and the like, our first guest speaker in a long line for this week was introduced to us. You know who he was? David E. Stanely. Elvis Presely's step brother. *shocked silence* If this guy is our first speaker, who are the others going to be?! However, a little while later I grew disinterested with his speech. Let me tell you why.
David Stanely started out talking about having the proper mindset in being successful. A loser mindset will talk about "I want to do this when I grow up" while a winner mindset will say "I'm in the process of doing this" or "I'm going to do this."
Pretty good stuff and all. Food for thought. He also spouted some quotes that had the audience on their feet and shouting "Amen!" Stuff like...
~"Ignore the negative."
~"Never let a loser tell you how to be a winner."
~"Envy is concealed admiration."
~"If it ain't fun, quit."
It was about halfway through this that I realized, "Hey! All this guy is doing is motivating us! I'm not really learning anything I already didn't know!" After that, I started taking notes on what I was noticing behind the words in his speech.
The Process of Satisfying the Mob
-motivational quotes
-"rise above the norm!" persona
-passionate/loud voice
-cracks jokes/ makes people in audience feel at ease
-brought up God during presentation. here's a clever way of appeasing to the Christians
-relayed soldier story and made it a metaphor to his "Mindsets of Success"
This guy reminds me more of a preacher in a black church than a guy trying to tell me useful information. Lots of soul and inspirational words; but that seems about it. How clique can you get?
And so, for my conclusion to the talk, I wrote this.
"I have heard almost this exact speech several times in school assemblies and motivational movies. It's a good message and all, but seems redundant to me."
Hopefully the other presentations later this week are more useful to me than this one was. ::)
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 56
Video games and Supernatural today. Totally chill time after all that hard work digging holes. ;)
Friday, July 19, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 55
WHOA. I HAVE A FOLLOWER. O.o YESSSS! *dances around happily* Thank you Thomas. You made my day. ;)
ANYWAYS... the start of today (and the middle, and a little of the end) was a big car trip. Woohoo. Cramped legs and headaches abound. However I DID play the video game, Animal Crossing for the first time. So I guess it was fun in that perspective. ;) But then I found I was missing a shoe. We're guessing it fell out of the car somewhere a few hours behind us... *headdesk*
But don't worry! It was a chance to buy some new ones and the closest Wal-Mart nearby. The old ones were getting ratty anyways. So I walked into this store with my feet clad in only socks. I don't recommend it to any of you. At all. Grocery stores like Wal-Mart can get pretty disgusting floors after a while. ::) So now I have new shoes and am currently residing in a hotel in Vegas. *slips on sunglasses like a cool person*
There were a few things I noticed today though...
1) Girls are paying a LOT more attention to me now that I have short hair. Like, a ton. O.o I have to say, it's not such a bad thing. ;)
2) Vegas is HOT. And I thought Provo was bad! When I opened the front doors of the hotel I was met by a rushing burning wind that immediately had me thinking fondly of cold water and ice cubes and glaciers. ::)
3) The lighting storms here put the ones in Florida to shame. Standing from my balcony, I viewed possibly the most impressive natural light show I have ever seen. I don't even have the words to describe it, but I can try. Breathtaking, immense, sky-rending, terrifying, magnificent, are just a few that can only brush the tip of what it was like to experience these giant bolts of lightening exploding across the entire horizon. In fact, two hours later, it's still a sight to behold!
ANYWAYS... the start of today (and the middle, and a little of the end) was a big car trip. Woohoo. Cramped legs and headaches abound. However I DID play the video game, Animal Crossing for the first time. So I guess it was fun in that perspective. ;) But then I found I was missing a shoe. We're guessing it fell out of the car somewhere a few hours behind us... *headdesk*
But don't worry! It was a chance to buy some new ones and the closest Wal-Mart nearby. The old ones were getting ratty anyways. So I walked into this store with my feet clad in only socks. I don't recommend it to any of you. At all. Grocery stores like Wal-Mart can get pretty disgusting floors after a while. ::) So now I have new shoes and am currently residing in a hotel in Vegas. *slips on sunglasses like a cool person*
There were a few things I noticed today though...
1) Girls are paying a LOT more attention to me now that I have short hair. Like, a ton. O.o I have to say, it's not such a bad thing. ;)
2) Vegas is HOT. And I thought Provo was bad! When I opened the front doors of the hotel I was met by a rushing burning wind that immediately had me thinking fondly of cold water and ice cubes and glaciers. ::)
3) The lighting storms here put the ones in Florida to shame. Standing from my balcony, I viewed possibly the most impressive natural light show I have ever seen. I don't even have the words to describe it, but I can try. Breathtaking, immense, sky-rending, terrifying, magnificent, are just a few that can only brush the tip of what it was like to experience these giant bolts of lightening exploding across the entire horizon. In fact, two hours later, it's still a sight to behold!
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 54
Last day in Spanish Fork! I woke up at 6am this morning (as I have been for a few days now) and dug the last two holes by noon. Done! Eight holes cutting a striking image lying in the dirt. I feel so proud of myself. *wipes away tear* But anyway; soon afterwards I received an invitation with Thomas to come over to Brooke and Blair's house for a little while. There we had fun watching Youtube videos, playing Uno, and having an epic pillow war. :D
Just a little while later I was picked up by Uncle Mike and the cousins. Rather than drive the rest of the five hours to Vegas, we decided to stop at a Provo hotel (and consequently) play in the pool. Well not so much as "play" but more like a "water war." Needless to say, I'm pretty worn out. *deep breath*
Just a little while later I was picked up by Uncle Mike and the cousins. Rather than drive the rest of the five hours to Vegas, we decided to stop at a Provo hotel (and consequently) play in the pool. Well not so much as "play" but more like a "water war." Needless to say, I'm pretty worn out. *deep breath*
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Thomas's Post
So here's mah friend Thomas; here to write on this post whatever he desires so he can stop bugging me. ;)
"Fine, be that way! jk bro. So I'm Thomas, Mason's best friend, (Don't ever let him tell you differently).
It's been said that I'm a genius, a dynamic dancer, (I am the original choreographer of 'his' Firework Dance) an amazing athlete, overall nice guy, and quite the looker; of course, all of those things were said by me, but they were said. :-)
Mason and I go way back, like forever. We met in 8th grade, and have been tight ever since. We've done hikes, been in school plays, played sports, performed dance routines at quinceaneras... etc.
Anyway, I've been thinking about writing a blog for some time now, and this is my first ever post. This is kinda fun, posting random thoughts and insights about random topics, so I think I might actually start my own blog. Good night Internet! (or is it morning?)"
"Fine, be that way! jk bro. So I'm Thomas, Mason's best friend, (Don't ever let him tell you differently).
It's been said that I'm a genius, a dynamic dancer, (I am the original choreographer of 'his' Firework Dance) an amazing athlete, overall nice guy, and quite the looker; of course, all of those things were said by me, but they were said. :-)
Mason and I go way back, like forever. We met in 8th grade, and have been tight ever since. We've done hikes, been in school plays, played sports, performed dance routines at quinceaneras... etc.
Anyway, I've been thinking about writing a blog for some time now, and this is my first ever post. This is kinda fun, posting random thoughts and insights about random topics, so I think I might actually start my own blog. Good night Internet! (or is it morning?)"
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 53
So today's summary is going to be boring for all you people reading this. I just did yard work. Yup. That's about it. Digging holes and stuff. Though around 7ish I went and helped Brooke and Blaire with their yard work. Helping to spread top soil around their yard. Just cause I'm nice like that. ;) So that's all! Really a hard working day, but not all that much to write about. Sorry!
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 52
At around 7:00ish this morning I dragged myself out of bed and said bye to Nicole as she went back to her home in North Carolina. However, with a slight bit of a sunburn, I didn't really feel in the mood to dig any holes today. *headdesk* So instead, I went and got my haircut again! Now I look like a military kid and like 25 years old. Definitely something different. O.o After my haircut I went over to Sabrina's, but that early wake up time took it's toll. In the whole five hours I was there, I think I spent three of them conscious... When you're tired, you can sleep ANYWHERE. Including a friend's carpet floor. ;)
So after coming back to the house I had a lazy time re-watching Finding Nemo. I love that movies so much. :D I honestly can't wait for 2015 to come around with it's sequel, Finding Dory. :)
So after coming back to the house I had a lazy time re-watching Finding Nemo. I love that movies so much. :D I honestly can't wait for 2015 to come around with it's sequel, Finding Dory. :)
Monday, July 15, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 51
Holes today. Lots and lots of holes. Thomas and I headed outside in the morning and, after taking off our shirts of course, we proceded to work our way along the house. Something that Thomas seriously regrets right now as he is lying on his stomach with a killer sunburn on his back. ;) It looks quite painful actually... *wince*
Besides digging holes, I also went and played night games with Thomas and some of his neighbor girls. We played things like cop and robbers and hung around on the playground. However, I made a bad decision and stayed outside for a little longer than Thomas's mom told us to go inside, so I got chewed out when I came back in. :/ I felt really bad about it actually. I think I'll pass on night games for a while now. *rolls eyes* But it was fun to talk with the girls. They're a ton of fun to hang with. :)
Besides digging holes, I also went and played night games with Thomas and some of his neighbor girls. We played things like cop and robbers and hung around on the playground. However, I made a bad decision and stayed outside for a little longer than Thomas's mom told us to go inside, so I got chewed out when I came back in. :/ I felt really bad about it actually. I think I'll pass on night games for a while now. *rolls eyes* But it was fun to talk with the girls. They're a ton of fun to hang with. :)
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 50
WOOHOO!! Day 50 of nearly daily journal writing!! :D You have no idea how big of an achievement this is. I have never actually reached this point in any of my previous journals! So pretty happy right here. :)
As for my day... I started out in a pretty bad mood. There wasn't really any reason for it, but I guess it's just cause my hormones were flying. So as a result, after church I started digging more fence post holes. It's pretty amazing how much manual labor can improve your attitude. :) So after digging two three foot holes, some fourteen year old girls who were apparently really close neighbors started talking to Thomas and me. And lets just say after Nichole, Blaire, and Brooke came over, we didn't get any more work done. Our conversation ranged from T.V. shows to Youth Conference, to Japanese greetings and lasted until like 10:00pm. It was quite entertaining. :)
So before I log off of this post, I was searching through my blog settings earlier today. And I found out that you can see where all my blog has been viewed! And it wasn't just the U.S. that has been viewing my blog. In fact, there was quite a bit of Russian viewers. O.o So here's me saying, "Hi Russian peoples! I'm not quite sure how you found this blog, but it's nice to know that my stories are going international." ;)
As for my day... I started out in a pretty bad mood. There wasn't really any reason for it, but I guess it's just cause my hormones were flying. So as a result, after church I started digging more fence post holes. It's pretty amazing how much manual labor can improve your attitude. :) So after digging two three foot holes, some fourteen year old girls who were apparently really close neighbors started talking to Thomas and me. And lets just say after Nichole, Blaire, and Brooke came over, we didn't get any more work done. Our conversation ranged from T.V. shows to Youth Conference, to Japanese greetings and lasted until like 10:00pm. It was quite entertaining. :)
So before I log off of this post, I was searching through my blog settings earlier today. And I found out that you can see where all my blog has been viewed! And it wasn't just the U.S. that has been viewing my blog. In fact, there was quite a bit of Russian viewers. O.o So here's me saying, "Hi Russian peoples! I'm not quite sure how you found this blog, but it's nice to know that my stories are going international." ;)
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 49
*groan* Man I'm EXHAUSTED. First things first; early today the Jones family and I went to a lavender farm where we saw a jousting competition. The entire time Thomas was at my side yelling out quotes from Knight's Tale. XD After we got back though, Thomas and I split ways, him going to Youth Conference and me going to chill at the house. You know, I confirmed something that I've known for a while. I really need my space sometimes. When I'm constantly around people all the time and being social, eventually I just crash. I need time to retreat and spend time with myself. It ensures that I'm in a happier mood when going back to socialize again. ;)
So for the rest of the day I sat back and watched movies like Skyfall with James Bond. I'm going on a pretty serious spy/secret agent spree here! Next thing I know I'll probably be watching shows like CSI or things like that. ::)
Then tonight Sabrina and I went to one of the stake dances down here in Utah. And you know what? They're LAME. With a capital L. That and the fact that after one swing dance both Sabrina and I were gasping for air because of the high altitude. *headdesk* But rather than dance I had fun talking with her. So even though I didn't do anything rigorous today, I am quite ready to hit the sack. It's funny; I'm a lot more tired more often down here in the lower 48 than I am in Alaska. Does this have something to do with the high altitude as well? Or maybe it's because it's hotter down here. *thoughtful look* I may have to do some more research on this...
So for the rest of the day I sat back and watched movies like Skyfall with James Bond. I'm going on a pretty serious spy/secret agent spree here! Next thing I know I'll probably be watching shows like CSI or things like that. ::)
Then tonight Sabrina and I went to one of the stake dances down here in Utah. And you know what? They're LAME. With a capital L. That and the fact that after one swing dance both Sabrina and I were gasping for air because of the high altitude. *headdesk* But rather than dance I had fun talking with her. So even though I didn't do anything rigorous today, I am quite ready to hit the sack. It's funny; I'm a lot more tired more often down here in the lower 48 than I am in Alaska. Does this have something to do with the high altitude as well? Or maybe it's because it's hotter down here. *thoughtful look* I may have to do some more research on this...
Friday, July 12, 2013
Super Amazing Vacatinon of Awesomeness: Day 48
Started out today watching the Bourne movies. They're all about a secret CIA assassin who loses his memory and has to figure out who he is while people are trying to kill him. Pretty intense and awesome stuff. :D
I also got a haircut today! The long locks were bugging me, so I had Sabrina's sister experiment to her liking. The result? Short on the sides, and long in the middle. I actually really like it! It's definitely something different, but it turned out pretty dang well. :)
Then when I came home I went outside and dug another three foot fence post hole in the backyard. So I'm sleeping well tonight.
I also got a haircut today! The long locks were bugging me, so I had Sabrina's sister experiment to her liking. The result? Short on the sides, and long in the middle. I actually really like it! It's definitely something different, but it turned out pretty dang well. :)
Then when I came home I went outside and dug another three foot fence post hole in the backyard. So I'm sleeping well tonight.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 47
I finally finished that four foot hole I was digging for Brother Jones today. O.o I now have to say that digging a hole is not nearly as fun as I originally thought it would be. *headdesk* But the rest of my day fared better. After doing yard-work all day I hung out with Sabrina at the art museum. Now, even though art isn't my favorite thing in the world, it wasn't as bad as I expected! There was actually a lot of really cool photographs and paintings. Even a dress made entirely out of bubble wrap. It was hard to resist popping it. >.>


Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 46
It all started out waking up at eight. Waiting for something I had going on at noon, I had myself dropped off at Sabrina's house where I had a grand time playing with Kaleb. Aren't two year olds the cutest? :3 Afterwards I had a fun spiel with Cody and his friend. By far the most memorable occasion with them was when we stopped by the MOST delicious shaved ice stand where the small was half the size of a persons head and the chemical flavorings were amazing.
Then when Brother Jones picked me up from Sabrina's house we went on a ton of errands he had to do where I slept through most of them. ::) Then to end the day, I'm currently watching the second Sherlock Holmes movie. I love the shows with people who have extra perspective skills like Sherlock and Psych. Just fantastic storylines. :)
Then when Brother Jones picked me up from Sabrina's house we went on a ton of errands he had to do where I slept through most of them. ::) Then to end the day, I'm currently watching the second Sherlock Holmes movie. I love the shows with people who have extra perspective skills like Sherlock and Psych. Just fantastic storylines. :)
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 45
I am so out of shape. *dies* Yesterday Thomas's date invited both of us to her track practice this morning. What I didn't know until we got there was that we'd be doing sprint workouts. *headdesk* Now originally I can go without exercising or working out and still be able to keep up with the head of the group. But after the first half mile run in 2:35 I just about collapsed in exhaustion. At first I was like, "What's going on?? O.o " before I pieced it together. Okay, so where I live in Alaska we are right at sea level. With the low altitude and everything there's a ton of oxygen in the air. However in Utah the oxygen is less abundant. The high altitude and low oxygen amounts were killing me in the running practices today. *big sigh* However, if I train in this altitude, I can be a boss when I travel back to the wonderful oxygen filled state of AK. ;)
After that lung bursting exercise, Thomas and I came back to the house and did some yard work. Moving dirt piles and digging holes; stuff like that. SO much easier than earlier. ::)
Then we went to see the movie Epic. I don't really suggest it. Not only was it really cliche, but it also left a lot more questions than it answered. >.> But afterwards we came back, did some more yard work, and now I'm taking an extremely early bedtime because my body is really quite tired at the moment. *flops spread-eagled on the couch*
After that lung bursting exercise, Thomas and I came back to the house and did some yard work. Moving dirt piles and digging holes; stuff like that. SO much easier than earlier. ::)
Then we went to see the movie Epic. I don't really suggest it. Not only was it really cliche, but it also left a lot more questions than it answered. >.> But afterwards we came back, did some more yard work, and now I'm taking an extremely early bedtime because my body is really quite tired at the moment. *flops spread-eagled on the couch*
Monday, July 8, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 44
Hoo boy. Where to begin? Well first of all I woke up at around noon. It's REALLY nice staying at a friend's house where they don't care when you get up. ;) So Thomas and I played games and watched Youtube videos until our dates that Sister Jones required us to have for an "FHE" activity. Here's all the rules that we are supposed to follow on the dates according to Sister Jones. ;)
-look both ways before you cross the street
-hold the door open
-talk about her
-don't flirt with other girls
-don't try to purposefully lose her
-don't talk about the latest video games
-compliment her no matter what she's wearing
-don't argue with your date
-if it's a double date, don't hug the other guy's girl
-don't talk with food in your mouth
-if you have fun on the date, schedule another
-if you didn't have fun...say you did anyways
So guys, if you ever take a girl out on a date, heed these rules and all with go fine. ;)
Well I took Sabrina to this FHE thing where apparently this museum was putting on a fun activity where you went to different stations representing different countries and did various activities. Now I can say that I've been to British Columbia, Sweden, Mexico, Guatemala, and Mali. :) We wrapped things up with a trip to the Creamery on Ninth for some ice-cream. Now if there's one thing that needs doing when in Utah, it's going to the Creamery on Ninth. Keep that in mind all you non-Utahians reading this. ;)
After we dropped everyone off and got back home, I tagged along with Thomas to one of his friend's missionary going away party. There it was really mainly a guy's fest of playing video games and splashing around in the pool. And now while typing this up, we're watching Studio C on T.V. A pretty darn good way to end the day. ;)
-look both ways before you cross the street
-hold the door open
-talk about her
-don't flirt with other girls
-don't try to purposefully lose her
-don't talk about the latest video games
-compliment her no matter what she's wearing
-don't argue with your date
-if it's a double date, don't hug the other guy's girl
-don't talk with food in your mouth
-if you have fun on the date, schedule another
-if you didn't have fun...say you did anyways
So guys, if you ever take a girl out on a date, heed these rules and all with go fine. ;)
Well I took Sabrina to this FHE thing where apparently this museum was putting on a fun activity where you went to different stations representing different countries and did various activities. Now I can say that I've been to British Columbia, Sweden, Mexico, Guatemala, and Mali. :) We wrapped things up with a trip to the Creamery on Ninth for some ice-cream. Now if there's one thing that needs doing when in Utah, it's going to the Creamery on Ninth. Keep that in mind all you non-Utahians reading this. ;)
After we dropped everyone off and got back home, I tagged along with Thomas to one of his friend's missionary going away party. There it was really mainly a guy's fest of playing video games and splashing around in the pool. And now while typing this up, we're watching Studio C on T.V. A pretty darn good way to end the day. ;)
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 43
So after going to the regular LDS church service today Cameron really wanted to try going to a "Rock" church. And it was...interesting. Mom got into an argument with a guy there who absolutely KNEW that Mormons had to have at least three wives to get into heaven. *facepalm* I'm always struck speechless by those people who insist that they know more about our religion than we do. But it does lead to some pretty ridiculous conversations. *shakes head in amusement*
After that I got dropped off with Thomas Jones again while Cameron headed back to Colorado and Mom went to Alaska. And so for the rest of the day we chilled and did things like watching Sherlock Holmes and playing Horseshoes. (I'm really quite bad at that game ::)
After that I got dropped off with Thomas Jones again while Cameron headed back to Colorado and Mom went to Alaska. And so for the rest of the day we chilled and did things like watching Sherlock Holmes and playing Horseshoes. (I'm really quite bad at that game ::)
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 42
Today started out with games and fun with the Sheltons. First time playing Pikmin and all. :) But it couldn't last and soon we were on our way back to Provo. For most the afternoon Mom, Cameron, and I began to sort out through our storage unit down here of the stuff we left four years ago. And man are there some childhood memories in those boxes. :D After fondly reminiscing for a few hours, we came to our old friends, the Lovells for the night.
Friday, July 5, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 41
I suffered through the Fourth of July hangover today. After staying up until 2am in the morning last night, I couldn't make myself move out of bed until noon. ::) But it was all good because Cameron and I spent a very lazy day looking up Supernatural and Batman movies. However, our laziness was not to be prolonged. Luckily instead of vegetating at the house, we decided to go visit some old friends the Sheltons about an hour away. There I found not the same family I had remembered. Four years will do a lot to a person! I'm kind of getting used to seeing 14 and 15 year olds taller than me now. Sad, right? *headdesk* But these guys are awesome, tall as they may be. :D I spent the afternoon entertaining the eight, six, and two year old. And having a grand time while doing so. :)
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 40
Well today was super eventful. :D First off, I was picked up bright and early in the morning and saw the fourth of July parade with Sabrina, her sister, and her nephew. Then on our way to eat something, who did we happen to see? None other than Jermey and James from the youtube group, Studio C! *wide grin* I could hardly believe my luck! So of course we had to get a picture with them. :) Afterwards we headed out on a hike to some natural hot springs with Mom, Cameron, and an old friend Tim. After the four to five hours gone on the hike, I was very ready to head to bed. But not before watching fireworks go off all over the city. There was a perfect spot on the mountain that looked over the entirety of Provo. And from one side to the other, fireworks were spouting into the sky and lighting up the night. It was a spectacular sight.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 39
A week and a half passed by so quickly. :( Today marks the end of the completely new experience called Modern Dance and Jazz camp. By far this day was the most fun I've had dancing in a while. Footloose rocked as usual and Peter Pan was a close runner up. :) But after I said my goodbyes to everyone, I spent the rest of the day with my totally rocking awesome cousin Cameron. It's really a shame we only have a till Monday before he heads back to Colorado. *sad face*
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 38
As I was dozing off to sleep I realized that I had yet to write todays journal entry. So as a result I'm going to make this as short as I can so I can get back to my comfy blankets and pillows.
-Finished all the dance numbers for tomorrow. I can't believe that this camp's almost over! O.o
-I CAN TOUCH MY TOES NOW!! *squee in delight* Okay, some context is important for this. For as long as I have existed on this earth, I haven't been able to touch, brush, or even come close to reaching my toes. It makes stretching in sports kinda embarrassing. *cough* But apparently these stretching classes I've been taking in this workshop are actually working! :D I'm so proud of myself right now.
-Went to an okay dance. There weren't a lot of people who were willing to learn how to swing dance and there was only one line dance. Definitely lacking in my personal opinion.
-Mom and Cameron arrived tonight. They just drove in from Colorado.
So there's my day written as fast as I could type out the words. Now goodnight, I'm going back to sleep.
-Finished all the dance numbers for tomorrow. I can't believe that this camp's almost over! O.o
-I CAN TOUCH MY TOES NOW!! *squee in delight* Okay, some context is important for this. For as long as I have existed on this earth, I haven't been able to touch, brush, or even come close to reaching my toes. It makes stretching in sports kinda embarrassing. *cough* But apparently these stretching classes I've been taking in this workshop are actually working! :D I'm so proud of myself right now.
-Went to an okay dance. There weren't a lot of people who were willing to learn how to swing dance and there was only one line dance. Definitely lacking in my personal opinion.
-Mom and Cameron arrived tonight. They just drove in from Colorado.
So there's my day written as fast as I could type out the words. Now goodnight, I'm going back to sleep.
Monday, July 1, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 37
And so ends another awesome day. Dance wise we got a ton accomplished! Considering the show where we perform all our learned choreography is in two days, that's a rather good thing. We finished the dance number to Footloose today and it looks awesome. :D Plus I figured out that I can do the swing move "Around the World" as long as the girl is shorter than I am. ;)
Afterwards I met Rachel's exchange student as of four years ago and enjoyed their company for a while before heading back home. But watching movies and T.V. shows for the rest of the day was not to be my fate. Sabrina soon contacted me after I got back and very easily sold me on the idea of coming to her house where I was able to see for the first time, the first Batman movie. Much better done than Superman (as Chris was fond of mentioning). So now after a surprisingly filled day, I'm quite ready to hit the sack. *stretches out on the bed*
Afterwards I met Rachel's exchange student as of four years ago and enjoyed their company for a while before heading back home. But watching movies and T.V. shows for the rest of the day was not to be my fate. Sabrina soon contacted me after I got back and very easily sold me on the idea of coming to her house where I was able to see for the first time, the first Batman movie. Much better done than Superman (as Chris was fond of mentioning). So now after a surprisingly filled day, I'm quite ready to hit the sack. *stretches out on the bed*
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 36
Well today was definitely a different Sunday than usual... First off, I woke up a the ungodly hour of 6:00am to run to the dancing place. A usually 30 to 45 minute walk condensed into 10 minutes of extreme running in church clothes in crazy 90 degree weather. O.o But it was worth it. :D Us dancers filed into the vans and took off to Salt Lake City where we were able to witness Music and the Spoken Word performed by the Tabernacle Choir. It was pretty awesome to experience. :)
Then after touring through the Salt Lake Temple Square, we headed back and went to the singles ward where I could barely keep my eyes open. So as a result, I've determined to head to bed early tonight and sate my tiredness. I've discovered that I go to bed a lot earlier when I'm by myself... Must be that responsibility kicking in. ;)
Then after touring through the Salt Lake Temple Square, we headed back and went to the singles ward where I could barely keep my eyes open. So as a result, I've determined to head to bed early tonight and sate my tiredness. I've discovered that I go to bed a lot earlier when I'm by myself... Must be that responsibility kicking in. ;)
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 35
You know, I was going about today and I realized... MY TONGUE IS COMPLETELY HEALED!! *jump in the air yelling in joy* MAN that was annoying. :P But it's all over and done with now, so here's to speaking properly. ;) *raises glass in toast*
But anyway, back to my eventful day. Apparently part of paying for this dance camp also allows the dance group for one free day at the water park down here. :D Now, though not as cool as some water parks I've been to; the people made it amazing. I really enjoy the company of the girls here. I think I mentioned it before, but they're so friendly! I spent most of the day chatting up with Cody and Rachel as we went on free falls, races, and the lazy river. I also had Dippin Dots for the first time ever. I can now see why they're so much money. O.o They're delicious. :D But after the walk back from the park, I think I'm going to shield my eyes from the blazing sunlight and just chill indoors.
Friday, June 28, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 34
Today was actually super fun! During our dance number for footloose, I found that I can do the trick Around The World with a smaller girl; and now it's part of the ending! :D Then after dance class ended, I stuck around for an hour to go to the movie night the camp was having. I forgot just how much I loved the movie Mulan. I could stop smiling for the entire movie. *giant grin* However, the walk home was interesting. See, I live currently about a 30-45 minute walk from the dancing place. And I usually DO walk. So to entertain myself, I bring a book to read on my journey to and fro. However, the movie ended at 10:00pm, and since this place ain't like Alaska and gets dark during the night, the walk felt a lot longer than usual because I couldn't read my book on the way. *grumpy look* But now I'm back and ready to head to Seven Peaks in the morning, so I'd best be off to bed as soon as possible. :)
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 33
Today at dance was a pretty average day. Nothing all that big happened. *shrug* However, after classes ended I went to the Creamery on Ninth and got the best fries in the world. I'm serious! Their fries with their fry sauce must have been made by divine powers because they were heaven to my mouth. Then when I got back home, I met a good friend and used to be neighbor of mine, Tim Buck. Now here's the thing about Tim and his wife. They are probably the smartest people I have ever met. They seriously are knowledgeable about any topic that is brought up! I had a very good religious discussion with him that now makes me want to check out a few books he was mentioning... I think I've got some more summer plans. :)
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 32
Today was a ton of fun. :D In dance class the last section of the day was Musical Dance Theater. I was apprehensive at first, but then I found we'd be doing a dance section to Footloose. *fistpump* And because Cody and I are the only two guys, we're going to be the center of attention. *double fistpump* This dance number's probably going to be my all time favorite.
Then after class I decided to go and unexpectedly visit Sabrina and finally give her the birthday present that's half a year late. ::) The rest of the afternoon was filled with laughter, catching up, and brownies. Pretty awesome evening. :D Now I don't have to go make new friends since one of my old ones is down here as well. ;)
Then after class I decided to go and unexpectedly visit Sabrina and finally give her the birthday present that's half a year late. ::) The rest of the afternoon was filled with laughter, catching up, and brownies. Pretty awesome evening. :D Now I don't have to go make new friends since one of my old ones is down here as well. ;)
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 31
I guess I spoke too soon yesterday about not being sore... I AM DYING RIGHT NOW. Every single muscle in my body is killing me! Today after doing the basic classes at the beginning, everyone got to choose between taking MDT (musical dance theater), jazz, or stretching. And I chose stretching because (compared to the girls there) I'm about as flexible as a brick. So even though it felt good to stretch at the class, I can barely move a muscle right now. *headdesk*
Onto other topics, this afternoon I moved from Thomas's house to Sister Buck's house (a kind elderly lady that we knew here before moving). In my sore weakened condition, it was something close to torture hauling all my luggage up the stairs to my bedroom. *exasperated look* Hopefully I'll have adapted a bit tomorrow to the dancing life. ;)
Onto other topics, this afternoon I moved from Thomas's house to Sister Buck's house (a kind elderly lady that we knew here before moving). In my sore weakened condition, it was something close to torture hauling all my luggage up the stairs to my bedroom. *exasperated look* Hopefully I'll have adapted a bit tomorrow to the dancing life. ;)
Monday, June 24, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 30
I'm actually a lot less sore than I thought I'd be right now. So dance orientation was today. And it was amazing. First of all, don't get me started on all the cute girls there. Girls that can dance are by far some of the cutest I've ever met. ;) And they're super friendly too! *fistpump* However I bet nearly all of the ones I talked to are convinced I have a lisp due to my tongue not being completely healed yet. *facepalm* So before the workshop actually started I walked around campus and re-visited places like my old home and elementary school because I was three hours early. Plus I caught up with some friends of mine, the oldest who is leaving on his mission in August. And he's just a year older than I am. O.o. I'm feeling quite ancient about now.
Anyway, back to dance class. It was HUGE. I mean I was expecting 30 or so kids; kind of like a regular school class. But no. Apparently there's about 70 people in this class. And you know what? 68 of them are girls. *stunned silence* That's right. Me and this other guy were the only male students there. I have no idea why I haven't done this earlier. ;) So even though the dancing was completely different than I'm used to, I have a feeling it's all going to be worth it. *grins*
OH! And it was Thomas's dad's birthday today as well! So to celebrate we saw the new movie, Man Of Steel (Superman to all of you non-superhero folks). And although the critics totally bashed it and gave it one of the worst ratings a movie could get; I enjoyed it. I mean, a mom and dad raising a kid to have good ethical morals, fantastic introduction, cliche but well written ending... It was by far better than I expected it would be. I highly suggest it to y'all you haven't seen it yet. :)
Anyway, back to dance class. It was HUGE. I mean I was expecting 30 or so kids; kind of like a regular school class. But no. Apparently there's about 70 people in this class. And you know what? 68 of them are girls. *stunned silence* That's right. Me and this other guy were the only male students there. I have no idea why I haven't done this earlier. ;) So even though the dancing was completely different than I'm used to, I have a feeling it's all going to be worth it. *grins*
OH! And it was Thomas's dad's birthday today as well! So to celebrate we saw the new movie, Man Of Steel (Superman to all of you non-superhero folks). And although the critics totally bashed it and gave it one of the worst ratings a movie could get; I enjoyed it. I mean, a mom and dad raising a kid to have good ethical morals, fantastic introduction, cliche but well written ending... It was by far better than I expected it would be. I highly suggest it to y'all you haven't seen it yet. :)
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 29
Train rides are a lot slower than I thought they would be. When I woke up this morning and headed out to the car, I was ready for a speedy, fast, get me there in no time ride. Well I was sadly disappointed. Sitting on the train I felt bored out of my mind as I watched the countryside slowly amble by. That is until I figured out there's a plethora of games on my laptop that don't require the internet. ;) So...yeah. That was basically the majority of my 13 hour train ride from Colorado to Utah.
And then we arrived. Man how I've missed this place! I fondly looked out the window at the familiar mountain line as we pulled up to the station. Then it was time to meet Thomas! Honestly, he hasn't changed a bit since he left. XD And so here I am, at the Jones' (name changed for confidentiality reasons) house where they so graciously let me have a room and board, munching down on the best ice cream I've had in my seventeen years. :D But the best part is that I'm about to learn Jazz and Modern. :) I am so psyched for tomorrow! New dance style, here I come!
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 28
Well I completely forgot to write in this blog last night so I'm going to try and do my best to remember what happened tomorrow. *thinks hard*
Well for one, it was Grandma's birthday today! We went to a pretty cool "Junkyard Zoo" where some creative person formed a ton of animals (mainly dinosaurs) out of pieces of rusty metal...well...junk. I was kind of out of it today though. I don't know if it was the annoyance for my tongue or the hot weather, but I was really quite tired.
But the end of the day went better were I spent the last few hours with my cousins. Man, time really flew by fast! I can't believe that I'm about to head off to my third and final slice of summer vacation tomorrow! O.o
Well for one, it was Grandma's birthday today! We went to a pretty cool "Junkyard Zoo" where some creative person formed a ton of animals (mainly dinosaurs) out of pieces of rusty metal...well...junk. I was kind of out of it today though. I don't know if it was the annoyance for my tongue or the hot weather, but I was really quite tired.
But the end of the day went better were I spent the last few hours with my cousins. Man, time really flew by fast! I can't believe that I'm about to head off to my third and final slice of summer vacation tomorrow! O.o
Friday, June 21, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 27
You know, in the world of video games, first person shooters were my bane. Halo, Call of Duty, Team Fortress; all games that I wanted nothing to do with. I much prefer the RPG role playing games like LOZ and Fire Emblem. That all changed today. Today while playing Halo with Cameron and Michael, I discovered that I actually find first person shooters rather fun! Throughout the day I developed from a pre-noob into a competent player. Now I can actually make sense of what other guys are ranting about at school. ::)
Unfortunately my tongue isn't much better. I think this day has been the quietest of my entire life. O.o And all I've had to ingest are banana smoothies, a popsicle, and water. I wish my tongue would really hurry up and heal so I can eat properly. I'm starving! *frustrated look*
Unfortunately my tongue isn't much better. I think this day has been the quietest of my entire life. O.o And all I've had to ingest are banana smoothies, a popsicle, and water. I wish my tongue would really hurry up and heal so I can eat properly. I'm starving! *frustrated look*
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 26
Funny thing about me is that I am not an early person. Far from it. I usually have to be dragged from my bed, kicking and screaming, to actually get up in the mornings. ::) Unless there's something else involved. For example; Mom is very good at walking in when I'm playing video games during the day and finding something labor intensive for me to do. It's quite annoying. So what's the solution? Get up at some ridiculous hour in the morning and get my playing time then. ;) So that's what Cameron and I did today...until three in the afternoon. It was a good opportunity to reminisce on childhood games like Cubavor. I also found that Halo is a LOT more fun than I gave it credit.
But alas, at threeish we were told to come along to the park. Simple enough. We were even having fun playing games on the playground until I jumped off a pretty high piece of equipment and landed wrong; biting cleaning into my tongue. It hurt quite a bit. >.> So for the rest of the night I mumbled, wrote, and played charades to communicate. ;) I hope this injury heals soon because it's awfully inconvenient. ::)
But alas, at threeish we were told to come along to the park. Simple enough. We were even having fun playing games on the playground until I jumped off a pretty high piece of equipment and landed wrong; biting cleaning into my tongue. It hurt quite a bit. >.> So for the rest of the night I mumbled, wrote, and played charades to communicate. ;) I hope this injury heals soon because it's awfully inconvenient. ::)
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 25
COUSINS!! :D After a super rushed morning, delayed flight, and quite a bit of turbulence, we finally arrived at the cuz's house in Colorado. Then for the rest of the day Cameron (the oldest at 16) and I caught up with each other and swapped video game theories. *fistpump* Honestly, nobody but Cameron and Tait appreciate my nerdiness in this area. ;) You can see why I'm excited to see someone who I haven't talked face to face to in years.
Then after Chinese food and a pretty rockin awesome fortune cookie "You have great physical powers and an iron constitution" everyone got into a wrestling match. Apparently my fortune came true because I was doing pretty awesome at pinning anyone who came against me. :) However, now Aunt Edie is threatening to come in early in the morning and get me back for pinning her multiple times. >.> On second thought, I'd better be off to bed so I can get up before she does. *looks over shoulder suspiciously*
Then after Chinese food and a pretty rockin awesome fortune cookie "You have great physical powers and an iron constitution" everyone got into a wrestling match. Apparently my fortune came true because I was doing pretty awesome at pinning anyone who came against me. :) However, now Aunt Edie is threatening to come in early in the morning and get me back for pinning her multiple times. >.> On second thought, I'd better be off to bed so I can get up before she does. *looks over shoulder suspiciously*
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 24

Monday, June 17, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 23
This day was the time to revisit any park in our repertoire that we cared to visit again. Daphne and I decided on Disney's Hollywood studios just for the fact that we never got to see the light show Fantasmic because it was cancelled last time we were here due to lightning and storms. However, it was also cancelled today because of the same thing. *headdesk* However today was not a waste! Besides swing dancing in the middle of the park to some music (gotta show off whenever you can, right? ;) Daphne and I also learned this cool little bottle rhythm beat off some guys we sat next to in a restaurant. If I know any of you reading this blog, you should remind me to show you it next time we meet. It is pretty darn cool. :)
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 22
Today at church I went to the nicest LDS ward I've ever been to. See, the thing about Mormons is that we're supposed to be the nice people that stand out from everyone else with our accepting and friendly attitudes. Unfortunately, that isn't necessarily always true. Sure the majority of LDS members are pretty awesome people, but in almost all the wards I've been to in Alaska, it's really clicky and unaccepting. I like to think of myself as an inclusive person; so when I am in a ward that is exclusive, it bugs me. Well the ward we went to today in Tampa Florida was extremely friendly and open and genuinely happy to see us. I wish all LDS wards were like that.
Then after a nap and some goodbyes, it was the four hour drive back to Orlando where it really feels nice to lay in a comfy bed instead of taking the floor. That and some episodes of Psych. I really do love that show. XD
Then after a nap and some goodbyes, it was the four hour drive back to Orlando where it really feels nice to lay in a comfy bed instead of taking the floor. That and some episodes of Psych. I really do love that show. XD
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 21
Beach fun! Today we went to a legit beach with sand and sea shells and sunshine and super warm ocean water. Not any of that rocky cloudy 30 degree bleh beaches that Alaska has. As much as I love AK; its beaches leave a lot to be desired. So after running in the ocean, rolling in the sand, then jumping back in that ocean; I was ready to head back for dinner. Dinner? Yes dinner. One advantage to sharing an apartment with older people is that the time schedule is set back a few hours into the day. Make for late nights and late mornings. Just my style. *double fistpump* Then when we went back we visited with the cousin, aunt, and uncle, and chilled until bed. I can't wait to retire. ;)
Friday, June 14, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 20
So today we took our time packing up and heading out of our hotel and checking into our new one. Pretty average boring stuff. And what did I do with my spare time in the car? Well I had my Taiwanese exchange sister sitting next to me, so why not learn Chinese? ;) I can successfully count and write from 1 to 999 in standard Mandarin Chinese. *smug look* It's actually not as hard as everyone says it is! It just takes some time, concentration, and lots of practice. *wise face*
See, we planned on going to Busch Gardens today and heading on some roller coasters before we left to visit my great great great aunt Florence, but we came across complications. Apparently all of our tickets had expired yesterday except for mom's, so only she was able to get inside (so she could get a certain stuffed animal penguin for Zion). In the meantime to entertain ourselves, Daphne and I enjoyed swing dancing to the theme park music. There was quite a few people eying us as they entered and exited the park. :) But the coolest part was when a girl (Nikki Bott) from my highschool ran over after we had danced and excitedly said hello. I mean, what are the odds? For her to be in my same highschool, having swing danced a song with me at prom, being at that certain park, at the exact time that I was dancing with Daphne, was just too awesome to go unnoticed.
By the time mom got back it was off to Aunt Florence! ...who was a three hour drive away. *headdesk* We finally reached her house at around midnight and met her (89 years old), her husband (94 years old) and her son, who is also my third cousin, (60ish years old). Well we socialized for over and hour and I discovered that cousin Steve was an inspiration to me. "How so?" you may ask. Well I'll tell you tomorrow, because it's heading on 3:00am here and I am exhausted. :P
See, we planned on going to Busch Gardens today and heading on some roller coasters before we left to visit my great great great aunt Florence, but we came across complications. Apparently all of our tickets had expired yesterday except for mom's, so only she was able to get inside (so she could get a certain stuffed animal penguin for Zion). In the meantime to entertain ourselves, Daphne and I enjoyed swing dancing to the theme park music. There was quite a few people eying us as they entered and exited the park. :) But the coolest part was when a girl (Nikki Bott) from my highschool ran over after we had danced and excitedly said hello. I mean, what are the odds? For her to be in my same highschool, having swing danced a song with me at prom, being at that certain park, at the exact time that I was dancing with Daphne, was just too awesome to go unnoticed.
By the time mom got back it was off to Aunt Florence! ...who was a three hour drive away. *headdesk* We finally reached her house at around midnight and met her (89 years old), her husband (94 years old) and her son, who is also my third cousin, (60ish years old). Well we socialized for over and hour and I discovered that cousin Steve was an inspiration to me. "How so?" you may ask. Well I'll tell you tomorrow, because it's heading on 3:00am here and I am exhausted. :P
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 19
When I woke up this morning, the park name Epcot grated on my ears. I was tired, irritated, and so not willing to spend an entire day at a theme park where the main attractions were focusing on multiple cultures. Then Mom went and had a hissy fit due to a miscommunication, and I separated from the group. *horrified gasp* Yes! I know! Pretty crazy. *rolls eyes* I went off to enjoy the theme park on my own, and enjoy it I did! Surprisingly this theme park was actually one of my favorites. O.o From designing your own car speedway, to finding out more about the future, to watching educational (yet quite interesting) videos of different countries, I figured out that learning can actually be fun if it's outside of school. ;)
I got a present for myself today. :) At the Chinese part of the park I happened to pass by a stand of these things.
I just had to get them. They looked way too cool to leave behind! So for a bargain of $6.50, I got the Chinese iron balls and the sweet looking box as well. Apparently you can roll these guys around in your hand and it's supposed to relieve stress. So even though I don't necessarily need them, I want to become an expert at these. :D Wish me luck!
Most of the Disney theme parks have ending firework or waterworks shows to signify the closing of the park. The one at Epcot was possibly the best, most astonishingly awesome one I've seen so far. I'm absolutely serious. It was epic. Actually let me see if I can find a video on YouTube that's got it!
(sorry about the loud crowds. can't be helped)
So all in all; what started out as a pretty disappointing day ended up being pretty darn satisfactory.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 18
The escapades today were at Disney's Hollywood Studios where I finally was able to ride the infamous Tower of Terror!
Actually, compared to the roller coasters I've been slamming, this one was a piece of cake. Just a few up and down jolts is nothing compared to 70 mile per hour speeds upside down and around. ::)
I also saw the preview to the Lone Ranger coming out on July 4. And I have to say; so far any movie with Johnny Depp I've seen has not been disappointing. :D
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 17
While Mom and Grandma went back to Sea World (again >.>) Daphne and I decided to chill out on the man made beach at the water park, Aquatica. There it felt like an average laid back day at the beach...until it started raining. And raining. And raining. But then the best way to avoid the rain was to jump in the lazy river and submerge, which was almost as fun as reading Elantris out in the sun. ;) Then on our way back to the hotel I found out that the cheapest fast food restaurant to eat at is, hands down, Taco Bell. Eight tacos later and I feel like I want to crawl in a cave and hibernate. ::)
Monday, June 10, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 16
AGGHH MY FEET. WHY DO THEY HURT SO BADLY? I mean seriously. I can hike 26 miles for Crow's Pass and still have the energy to run the last mile. But why can't I walk around theme parks without clutching my legs in agony at the end of the day? *frustrated sigh*
Anyhoo, today we went back and did both Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure. When we arrived at Harry Potter Land I was debating between a green Slytherin scarf or a blue Ravenclaw. I eventually decided on the Ravenclaw simply because it matches more of my darker hued clothes. Did the Incredible Hulk roller coaster again, and rode the roller coaster Rock It four more times. I am seriously over my fear of roller coasters now. Like my heart actually calms down when we enter the coaster buildings. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not. >.>
Anyhoo, today we went back and did both Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure. When we arrived at Harry Potter Land I was debating between a green Slytherin scarf or a blue Ravenclaw. I eventually decided on the Ravenclaw simply because it matches more of my darker hued clothes. Did the Incredible Hulk roller coaster again, and rode the roller coaster Rock It four more times. I am seriously over my fear of roller coasters now. Like my heart actually calms down when we enter the coaster buildings. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not. >.>
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 15
Holy smokes! I just realized that I've been on vacation for over two weeks! O.o And it definitely feels that long too. It seems I've been in Florida for FOREVER. Ten more days left though... Then off to Colorado!
So today was the day we switched hotels. We changed from the Marriott Grande Vista hotel to some place whose name begins with an L. *thoughtful look* But afterwards it was simply chilling in the room (no seriously, the air conditioning was heaven) and then we went to church at the single's ward near 8:00pm. I felt like we were going to some Lutheran seminar for being THAT late at night. ::) Oh! And I discovered this guy who sings duets and quartets with himself on Youtube. He's kind of amazing. XD
So today was the day we switched hotels. We changed from the Marriott Grande Vista hotel to some place whose name begins with an L. *thoughtful look* But afterwards it was simply chilling in the room (no seriously, the air conditioning was heaven) and then we went to church at the single's ward near 8:00pm. I felt like we were going to some Lutheran seminar for being THAT late at night. ::) Oh! And I discovered this guy who sings duets and quartets with himself on Youtube. He's kind of amazing. XD
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 14
Today I woke up feeling pretty sick. So I stayed home all day, watched T.V., experienced a fierce lightning storm from my hotel room balcony and ate breadsticks. Not much more to say. Oh! But I DID see an awesome quote on Facebook that I might have to steal.
"Clocks slay time... time is dead as long as it is being clicked off by little wheels; only when the clock stops does time come to life."
~William Faulkner
"Clocks slay time... time is dead as long as it is being clicked off by little wheels; only when the clock stops does time come to life."
~William Faulkner
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 13
And so begin the re-visits. Now that we've got through all the parks, yet still have tickets for a few more days, what else to do than go through all them again? Today we went back to Sea World where I was finally able to ride the Manta and Kraken roller coasters I wasn't able to last time. They were fun as always. :) Though I'm beginning to become desensitized to roller coasters now! The plunge and dips and loops are seeming pretty common place now. ;)

Thursday, June 6, 2013
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 12
After going to bed at 5:00am, today was a very lazy sleep and television filled day. It was good for me, as now I'm ready to head off and do more touristy stuff tomorrow! Though now my brothers are gone; heading to Utah, and I'm the only guy here. I feel outnumbered. >.>
Highlight of the day: We went out to eat tonight and I started a conversation with a guy who works at the resturaunt. Eventually our conversation changed topics from Alaska and Canadians to differing technologies within different countries. Now here's a subject that I know next to nothing about. The guy (I think his name was Josh) started throwing out terms like 4G and gigabytes and RPM and I was just sitting there smiling and nodding. Apparently I was pretty convincing with my "uh huhs" and "that's interesting" and "I've thought about that before" because at the end of the conversation he said, "I really need to move up to Alaska. They've got some smart people up there!" ...XD I had just taken part in a conversation where I had no idea what the opposite person had said to me. But apparently I can bluff my way through something like that pretty convincingly. ;)
Highlight of the day: We went out to eat tonight and I started a conversation with a guy who works at the resturaunt. Eventually our conversation changed topics from Alaska and Canadians to differing technologies within different countries. Now here's a subject that I know next to nothing about. The guy (I think his name was Josh) started throwing out terms like 4G and gigabytes and RPM and I was just sitting there smiling and nodding. Apparently I was pretty convincing with my "uh huhs" and "that's interesting" and "I've thought about that before" because at the end of the conversation he said, "I really need to move up to Alaska. They've got some smart people up there!" ...XD I had just taken part in a conversation where I had no idea what the opposite person had said to me. But apparently I can bluff my way through something like that pretty convincingly. ;)
Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 11
Disney World. A place of magic and realizing dreams. Or at least that's what their campaigning advertisements say. ;) And it truly was fun, even if I'm seventeen years old. :D A day filled with Space Mountain, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Peter Pan. But possibly the most fun I had all day was when we were waiting in line for one of the attractions and we broke out the Bertie Bott's Every Flavored Beans we got at Harry Potter Land. Now at first we picked out the good ones like watermelon, green apple, and lemon, but then we got to the...ah how do I put it...interesting ones. It all started when Tait and I agreed to pick out any bean that the other had to eat. If it'll work, I'll try and upload the video of our reactions. ;) And just for reference, I gave Tait dirt and he gave me earwax.
It was disgusting. Period dot. Then I was convinced into trying a vomit flavored one. No words in my vocabulary can describe how violently opposed my taste buds were to that horrifying small bean shaped nightmare. *shudder* But it was fun anyway. :D And the line seemed a lot less time consuming. ;) And you should have seen the faces of people standing around us in the line. XD
Then right before we left, the clock struck midnight on Cinderella's castle and it underwent many transformations of sparkles and changing colors. It actually was pretty magical with all of the Disney music playing from the speakers. :)
Then right before we left, the clock struck midnight on Cinderella's castle and it underwent many transformations of sparkles and changing colors. It actually was pretty magical with all of the Disney music playing from the speakers. :)
(feel the magic!) |
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