Saturday, July 27, 2013

Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 63

Expo day!  Today everyone who went to CEO Space got the chance to either put up a stand of their products or browse the stands looking for something interesting.  Though it was fun to walk around for a was only fun for about ten minutes.  So instead I went swimming with all the younger kids!  Hanging around the twelve and thirteen year olds is always a pleasure for me.  I'm not sure if it's the fact that they think I'm awesome, or if it's just that I think like a twelve year old.  Either way, I had a ton of fun for quite a few hours.

Then I took a break from people and watched a few episodes of a newfound favorite cartoon show of mine; Gravity Falls.  It's just so random and strange and hilarious, that I can't help but become addicted. XD  However, after a while of that, I decided to go actively be social with people.  So what did I do?  I totally was invited to Amberlyn's condo where Amberlyn, Amy, Victoria, and I chilled out and talked.  It was totally like a glimpse into what a girl's sleepover is like.  Massages, giggling, info on how to get a girl to fall in love with you... It was like I had died and gone to heaven. ;)  But alas, that had to end as it was nearing 11pm, so I'd best get to bed so I can wake up early tomorrow for some tearful goodbyes. :'(

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