Sunday, August 4, 2013

Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 70

FUNNEST DAY HERE.  I kid you not; this day tops the previous two, no questions asked.  Besides learning some fun lindy hop sequences in the morning; we also were able to learn some traditional Chile dances as well.  Lots of hip moving.  I felt like I was trying to seduce someone. ::)  But that about wrapped it up with the learning part of today!  The rest of the 10 hours was spent in a ballroom hall where I enjoyed every last minute up to 2:00am in the morning.
In the ballroom hall was the ending performance that the production put on for everyone.  Lots of professional dancing galore.  The Chile even did some of their traditional dances for everyone.  Though I have to say, I was shocked when they came on stage in their costumes.  Let's just say they were extremely revealing and I don't think many people were paying attention to their actual dancing. ::)  After the performance was over, it was dancing time!  Now that I had quite a few lindy moves under my belt, I actually started asking girls to dance. :D  It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside when they said they could believe I'd only been lindy hopping for a month. :3  I also made friends with some girls around my age.  Arabella and Sarah.  They were the ones that made tonight such a blast.  From lindy hopping, to asking professionals to dance, to laughing uncontrollably in the elevator, to sneaking in cookies in the dance hall; I was sad to see tonight end.

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