Sunday, July 28, 2013

Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 64

The day of goodbyes. :(  I woke up early this morning and said my farewells to everyone I had met and became good friends with.  That's the problem with these things that bring people together from all over.  When the gathering is over and done with, everyone heads off in every which direction.  It's not all that likely that I'll see them all in the same place again. *sad silence*  Ah well. *shrugs* Onwards to make new friends! ;)

So while the morning was filled with goodbyes; the rest of the day was the start of our road trip back to Colorado.  I have nothing really interesting to say about it.  Slept, rocked out to rock music, and watched movies.  Pretty average road trip.  WELL, Uncle Mike DID try and hook me up with a 23 year old waitress at one of the restaurants we stopped at...  Unfortunately it was unsuccessful. ;)  Okay, hidden secret time!  I've always wanted to ask a random waitress out on a date.  You see it all the time in movies, and it's just a secret wish of mine. ;)  Anyhoo!  Currently we're staying at a hotel in the middle of Richfield Utah watching Singing In the Rain for the first time.  It's oldie movies like these that by far win me over with their untechnified songs and sweet lovey dovey romances. :D

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