Thursday, June 13, 2013

Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 19


When I woke up this morning, the park name Epcot grated on my ears.  I was tired, irritated, and so not willing to spend an entire day at a theme park where the main attractions were focusing on multiple cultures.  Then Mom went and had a hissy fit due to a miscommunication, and I separated from the group. *horrified gasp*  Yes! I know!  Pretty crazy. *rolls eyes* I went off to enjoy the theme park on my own, and enjoy it I did!  Surprisingly this theme park was actually one of my favorites. O.o From designing your own car speedway, to finding out more about the future, to watching educational (yet quite interesting) videos of different countries, I figured out that learning can actually be fun if it's outside of school. ;)
I got a present for myself today. :)  At the Chinese part of the park I happened to pass by a stand of these things.
I just had to get them.  They looked way too cool to leave behind!  So for a bargain of $6.50, I got the Chinese iron balls and the sweet looking box as well.  Apparently you can roll these guys around in your hand and it's supposed to relieve stress.  So even though I don't necessarily need them, I want to become an expert at these. :D  Wish me luck!
Most of the Disney theme parks have ending firework or waterworks shows to signify the closing of the park.  The one at Epcot was possibly the best, most astonishingly awesome one I've seen so far.  I'm absolutely serious.  It was epic.  Actually let me see if I can find a video on YouTube that's got it!
(sorry about the loud crowds. can't be helped)
So all in all; what started out as a pretty disappointing day ended up being pretty darn satisfactory.

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