Sunday, August 11, 2013

Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 76

Though the dance camp is over and done with, no sleeping in for me today!  Why?  Because I had a hot date!  Remember Amberlyn?  The one I met from CEO Space a few weeks ago?  Well guess where she lives?  Turns out, not far from where I'm staying at in Utah. :)  So it took hardly any effort to contact her and schedule a fun three hour date in Salt Lake City while Mom finished up the packing for our trip. wasn't three hours... wasn't even five hours....

....want to know how long it lasted?....

....Twelve hours later Mom picked us back up....

Twelve hours.


Now don't get the wrong idea.  These twelve hours were probably the funnest and funniest I have had all summer. XD  SO.  What did we do?  Lets start from the beginning!

~Picked up smoothies for breakfast
   It was perfectly nutritious and filling.  Stop worrying. ;)

~Walked around Temple Square
   In the summertime in Utah, Temple Square is breathtakingly beautiful.  Though with a cute girl by my side, I wasn't paying much attention to the flowers and trees and beautiful scenery. ;)

~Took a tour inside the Conference Center
   The tour guide was actually all to ourselves!  It was fun talking with her while walking around the largest auditorium in America.  Though she DID at first think we were together.  I honestly wonder how many people thought we were married today.  This IS Utah after all. ;)

~Danced on the streets
   Or more like the sidewalks I suppose.  You know those stores that play music outside?  Well as we passed by each one, we spontaneously started dancing.  And not even proper dancing with each other.  More like the flail your arms in the air, dance like no one is watching you type of dancing. The looks we got...XD

~Set up residence in Barnes and Nobles
   As we were strolling along the outdoor mall, we saw a Barnes and Nobles.  Being the giant bookworms we both are; neither of us could stop each other from being pulled in by it's enchanting rows of books and musty smell of new and old pages.  Honestly.  Best smelling store I've EVER been in?  Barnes and Nobles.  No questions asked.  In there we took to moving from section to section dramatically reading the backs of every book that looked slightly entertaining.  It got interesting when we happened across those cheap romance novels. XD  Two hours later we walked out; only drawn away by our increasing need for food (cheesy corndogs anyone?).

~Visited a tie/vest/suspender store
   I was in heaven.  That's really all that needs to be said.  It was at that moment, looking at all those expensive articles of clothing, that I decided this was the reason I wanted to be rich.  So I could have a wardrobe that looks just like this store. ;)  However before leaving I could help but treat myself to some sparkly gold suspenders.  And let me tell you; I wore them for the rest of the day. XD  With my shorts, T-shirt, and suspenders, like Amberlyn pointed out, I looked like I was wearing Lederhosen. *shakes with mirth*  And if you think I got weird looks before...

~Invaded several clothing stores
   Invaded is the right word too.  Basically Amberlyn and I had that game of "How ridiculous can I make you look with the clothes in this shop?"  It got very entertaining, very fast. *cracks up thinking about it*  Several times I looked like a cross dresser/hooker and she looked like an avid football fan/one directioner.  We had to keep switching stores though to keep them from calling the mall police. ;)

~Chilled in a health place
   Have you ever been in a store where there's all of these things that are supposed to make you feel better?  Such as massage chairs, special headphones, plush beds, or vibrating machines?  Where they all were available for free trial runs?  After a long day of walking on concrete; this place was divine.  And since we were the only customers actually there, they let us stay for a super long time!  Like; a SUPER long time.  I don't think my shoulders have actually ever felt this good before. ;)

~Talked.  A lot
   This actually belongs in every single activity listed above.  And interspersed between as well.  The thing about Amberlyn is that she has so much in common with me, we never run out of things to talk about.  This part was probably the best part of the date.  Just being able to talk with her. :D

Well Mom finally finished and picked us up and that was that.  So yeah!  There you go!  It's really going to be hard to top a date like that... but I'm definitely up to the challenge. ;)

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