Monday, August 5, 2013

Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 72

So we started out on our super long 9 hour road trip to Utah really early this morning.  I don't remember much of the actual trip since I was sleeping most of the way... But I got up in time for the last half of the ballroom dance class today when we finally reached Provo.  And guess who I saw there??  As I was learning the Tango, I just happened to turn towards the door. And just then, I saw my super good friend, Emma walk in! :D  My mind about blew in astonishment.  This girl had been a buddy in AK before she had to go move down to Idaho.  I haven't seen her for around three years, so to meet her in the BYU ballroom dance room was amazing. *giant grin*
The rest of the day was spent catching up with Emma and making a lot of new friends.  For one, there was a TON of Alaska people there!  I kept on running into them and I was all like, "Whoa!  I'm not alone!"  I have a feeling that this ballroom camp will be so much better than the modern one was earlier in the summer.
After our classes ended for the day, Mom and I headed back to the Shelton's house again where I spent a few hours playing with the younger kids (of course).  But now I am tired and ready for bed, so here's Mason, signing off!

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