Sunday, August 11, 2013

Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 73

So today in ballroom I decided I would up my game and move to the Advanced classes in Waltz and Swing.  Because, those are the two dances that I've been doing for forever. :)  And you know what?  I didn't do half that bad!  The thing about this ballroom workshop is that they teach you sequences of dances.  They don't teach you the individual moves and how to tie them together, but more like a dance routine sort.  Not that I'm saying it's a bad thing, but it's just not my favorite type of teaching style.  I like it whole lot better when I'm taught individual moves that I can freestyle with in Stake dances and the like. *shrugs* But I suppose I'll pull through these next two days. ;)
This was our day to go hang out at the water park Seven Peaks!  I hung out with a large group of teenagers... So basically all we did was make fools of ourselves. XD

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