Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Super Amazing Vacation of Awesomeness: Day 3

WOO!!!  You know what ROCKS?!  ROLLER COASTERS!!!  One by one I am vanquishing this fear of heights I have.  I found out today that roller coasters LOOK a lot scarier than they actually FEEL.  So this time we all went to the Island of Adventure theme park which included places like Marvel Town, Jurassic Park, and Harry Potter Ville.  I don't think my body can take much more awesomeness.
In the Harry Potter place I finally got my first taste of butter-beer.  It's incredibly sweet. O.o  Tait got an orange and red Griffendor scarf that totally fits his fashion sense. XD  There were a few rides to go on; most memorably being the first roller coaster I've ever been on that flips upside down.
Me before the ride: "Taitwhy'dyoumakemedothisIhateyouIcan'tbelieveI'mactuallyonherewhyamIon her...AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!" *insert terrified facial expressions*
Me after the ride: *total swagger walk* "That's right.  I braved the roller coaster and SURVIVED.  Be jealous." *puts on sunglasses*
Needless to say, when we walked over to the Marvel area and I saw the Hulk coaster, I stared at it with mixed feelings of growing apprehension and shaky self-confidence.
After riding it, I couldn't stop. ;)  I can't wait to see what other roller coasters I've been missing out on. :D

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